• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

Start With Why

Before we begin the discussion of strategy, I want to mention the idea of pre-strategy, which I define as the thought process you go through before you start work on your strategy. When do you ask yourself why? Why do I want to do this? Many people think that goals or the mission statement are the strategies. Not so. A strategy is how you get to that goal.

If your goal is aspirational like wanting to save the world from global cooling or you are committed to curing cancer in the next five years, that is wonderful. And that aspirational goal will attract other, dedicated people to your cause. But the only way you can reach that goal is with strategy.

If you believe that blue light from your computer is harming your vision, and the product you have invented, eliminates that problem, you will attract other people who believe as you do. But you still need a strategy to sell your product or service.

The only point is that you don’t mistake goals and beliefs with having a strategy.  A strategy is problem-solving. It is about how you accomplish that goal or achieve that dream.

What’s The Shape Of Your Pipeline?


Jeff Hoffman wrote an article where he talks about the shape of your pipeline. Individual salespeople generally have a good handle on their pipeline. But management does not, Management needs to keep watching the shape of the sales funnel as a metric in order to get a better understanding of the pipeline and the status of the people in that pipeline, 

What is the shape of your pipeline? 

Do you use the traditional funnel, broad at the top and then gets continuously more narrow as it gets closer to closing? Let’s say there is a  statistical relationship of 3x the number of leads to closes. Therefore, salespeople need to get 3x the number of leads to closes if they are going to meet their quota.  

However, a better-looking funnel is shaped like a  champaign glass, which is wide at the top and narrows quickly down the stem to the base. Thie idea, of course, is to qualify prospects quickly so you can get rid of poor-prospects and have more time to work on real prospects. Naturally, this requires a well-designed qualifying system, But, it would be well worth the time an effort it takes to get that qualifying system. Then multiply that by the amount of  quality sales time gained,

The real prospects are in the stem of the champagne glass. These prospects have a 1.25 statistical probability of closing. Therefore, in the lower stem, you need 1.25 real pre-close prospects to meet a closing sale. And, much more time for the salesman to work on these potential prospects to meet his quota.  

Make an illustration of your pipeline because it’s an easy way to see where you are, and then keep track of the numbers (leads vs. closes) over time so you can plan your sales forecast more accurately and with less consternation.

If you know someone who needs to change the shape of their funnel, forward this post to them. Maybe it will help. 



Do you want to make the right decision or be right? 


When you are working in a startup, decision making is difficult because there are so many unknowns. And you can’t get enough information to decide in a reasonable time frame.

Often, others will disagree wholly or partially with the founder’s “facts.” However, unless we are talking about physical objects, “facts” are simply one person or one group’s aggregated opinions. That implies there can be many different facts about the same fact,  

However, some founders believe that every decision they make must be right. But what is more important than being right, is making the right decision. You can only do that if you believe you are fallible. 

If your decision doesn’t work out, admit it. You can quickly change course and think about why you made that decision. Study your decision-making process. Learn from it. That’s how you gain the knowledge that will help you when it’s time to make the next decision.

 If you know someone who has to always be right, only send this to them anonymously. 

Jim Zitek/ https://https://harborcapitalgroupinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Braintopview-1.jpg.com 



Persuasion Requires Understanding And Empathy

To be persuasive, you have to spend a considerable amount of time getting to know your audience. What is it that they want to hear, not what you want to tell them. 

A key element of persuasion is empathy (the feelings desires. wishes, fears, and passion of the audience). Persuasion comes when you stir their emotions. The best way to achieve empathy is with a story that relates to their situation. 

Everything you say and do must serve the needs of the audience and if you are guided by the audience, you will be successful. An important way to achieve understanding and empathy is to change your focus from features to benefits. 

A feature is a fact about you or your product or service and may not be relevant, but a benefit is always relevant. People need a reason to act and that reason must be theirs, not yours.

Think about this. Give the audience a fact and some context as to why that fact is important. Then, give them the benefit of that fact. If you don’t have a benefit, you don’t need that fact. 

If you know someone who needs to turn skeptics into believers, tell them about this post. Maybe it will help. 

Maybe Your Product Is Great

Maybe your product is excellent, but your message is not. Instead of focusing on features and functions, focus on what the customer wants.  

If you are talking to people who are interested in listening to you, Maybe you should stop selling and start giving information that will help the customer do his job, solve his problem, fulfill his “want”.

Most buyers have a budget. Maybe they don’t want to spend their budget on your product, but the result of buying your product?

If you know someone with a flat sales curve, tell them about his blog. Maybe it will help. 


Great Temptations

 Don’t Be Tempted

When you tell your story to prospects who want to hear it, you are tempted to “stretch” the story a little to improve it.

Peter Theil, the Venture Capitalist, assumes most people say their product performs 20% better than it does.

So he wants to invest in companies with ten times better products than the competitors.  

We don’t know if 20% is the right amount of exaggeration, but it does bring up an important point.

We are exposed to so many competing stories 24/7 that this “standard” exaggeration may no longer work.

Today, you will get caught, your audience will tell others about your overkill, and you will end up the loser.

Remember, a story that resonates with people who want to hear your story are likely to believe it is true.

They will find instances that reinforce this truth, called cognitive bias, and tell others.

How can you prove your product, service, or value proposition is true (metrics, testimonials, studies, case studies, referrals, etc.)?

How Do We Know What To Believe

In his book, All Marketers Tell Stories, Seth Godin talks about understanding why people buy the goods and services they do, He states that: We believe things that aren’t true …or many things that are true, are true because we believe them. 

In other words, we believe what we want to believe, and once we believe something, it becomes a self-fulling truth. For example, why do people buy bottled water when they can get it for free?

One reason is that we have moved beyond buying things we need and have moved to buy things based on our complexity of wants. If you believe that bottled water is better and you want better water, you happily buy it and also enjoy the statement the product makes to others. 

Staff-On-Demand Private Post


Staff-On-Demand, SOD (Freelancers) How It Works

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When you have a job that you need to be done, fill in the information at the bottom of the page. Tell us what you need in as much detail as possible. For example:

“I need someone to write a blog post of 500 words. Background material is available or the writer will have to do some research first. The post will be on ___________ in the ________industry. Free of plagiarism and include any citations. I need it in 5 days. The writing style is business. I want a fixed fee with at least two revisions if necessary. I do not want to pay more than $____.”

We will look at your request and see if there is anything else that should be included on the request. If there is, we will get back to you.

We will then select, from the many thousands of freelancers, a writer (for example) that will fit your needs. As you can imagine, there are different levels of experience, skills, styles, ratings from previous clients, etc. Also, some writers just write, others will also do research. Also, they have different delivery times.

Once we have identified the right freelancer for you, we will get a cost estimate, and when the job could be completed, and if the writer has any questions.

We will send that information to you for your approval. If you approve we will notify the freelancer to go ahead with the job. You will pay the amount agreed upon using PayPal when the job is ordered. The money will be put in escrow until the job is completed and closed.

The completed job will be delivered to you. When you are satisfied with the job, we will close the job out and the freelancer will be paid.

If you have any questions before, during or after, please contact us. We will be happy to help.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Staff-On-Demand (Description of job to be done)


[caldera_form id=”CF5c9a551d8f4e4″]


Once you have agreed to go ahead with the job and have agreed to a price, make your payment here. The money will be held in escrow and the freelancer will not receive payment until the job has been completed and you are satisfied.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][wp_paypal_payment_box_for_any_amount email=”jzitek@box5152.temp.domains” description=”Payment for Staff on Demand Module” other_amount_label=”Your Price:” button_image=”https://https://harborcapitalgroupinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Braintopview-1.jpg.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/PayPal-PayNow-Button-e1556209081642.png”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”157″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”center” css_animation=”fadeInUp”][vc_column_text]


Presentations seem to be one of the most difficult tasks for entrepreneurs to do and an area that often little preparation is done. To start off with, most people, surveys reveal that 85% of people are terrified of giving presentations. Then, many business presenters believe they know their product or service so well that all they have to do is stand up and tell the audience what they know. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work well. Having sat through many, many presentations, I can tell you that a lot of skills are required to create, deliver and answer questions. The good news is that anyone willing to learn can give a presentation that gets the audience from being skeptics to being believers who want to embrace your call to action. This module will cover presentations from A to Z, one step at a time. Click on the article you wish to read and you will be taken to that article.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Business Model Canvas

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Business Model

This module is about the business model starting from the initial assumptions (hypotheses), through testing and validations. This is not something you can do is a few minutes and contains many, many steps. Much of this information will come from the work done by Steve Blank, the professor at Standford. We will also use Alexander Osterwalder’s business canvas because it gives us a very simple way to visualize the pieces of the business model we control and the pieces of the business model we do not control like competitors and the government.

Some steps will be quick and easy to accomplish and others will be difficult, laborious and time-consuming, but every step is important. If you skip over steps or don’t give them the effort and time they require, they could turn out to be a major problem down the road. We are going to start with value proposition.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]