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In Our Video World, Whiteboard Animation Is Growing Rapidly


The vast majority of modern whiteboard animations are created automatically using computer software, eliminating the need for manual drawings. It has now become a widely popular format for online marketing contents distributed mainly on YouTube and social media. People use whiteboard animation videos for various purposes including business presentation, how-to-use instructions, and of course online marketing to explain what the product/service is, how it works, and why it solves the problem for the prospect.

One of the biggest advantages of whiteboard animated videos is its budget-friendly production, at least when compared to traditional videos. The main elements are the script and animation, which will then combined into one digital file, animated, and timed.

Despite the absence of real-life objects, whiteboard animation is still categorized as videos as far as digital marketing is concerned. Now that YouTube is a dominant platform – to the point where it is considered a search engine of its own – it only makes sense for online marketers to maximize the use of videos in their strategies. Cisco predicted that by 2022, video contents will comprise 82% of all IP traffic at both consumer and business levels, and global video traffic will grow four-fold from 2017.

Video Whiteboards Keep The Viewer Engaged From Beginning until the End

Video has always been the most powerful format to deliver online content. People are more attracted to the dynamics of the combination of audio and visual treatments than to texts or images only. Viewers are more engaged and they receive or remember the information better because videos are usually more direct and conversational in nature.

A common style of whiteboard animation is comic-strip. It is a familiar visual format; therefore viewers unconsciously exert much less effort to relate to every object shown. The simplicity and vivid visual progression of whiteboard animation, where information is delivered in a logical drawing sequence, also help make viewers voluntarily more engaged and attentive. The wasteful wandering of attention is minimized, making it an effective content delivery format.

Very Affordable Production

Cost depends largely on quality, but it is safe to say that whiteboard animation is much less expensive than conventional videos. There is no need to hire actors because the characters are drawn (by human or software), the audio can be added later with voice-over, and everything can be done on the computer so you don’t have to build any set or background.

Using our Staff-On-Demand (our global freelancers) you can get a finished explainer video in color for a small fraction of the normal studio charge.  


Elements of A Whiteboard Animated Video

Prospects want to know what your product is and how it provides a solution for their problem, and an explainer video is by far the most effective way to tell the world about what you have to offer.

Video delivers all the necessary messages in such a concise manner that viewers can receive the information without spending too much time in front of the screen. The combination of images, texts, and audio in whiteboard animation creates a comprehensive context behind the story that viewers can easily understand. The use of relatable characters and friendly voice-over makes the viewing experience more enjoyable; in a relaxed state of mind, the flow of information happens with the least resistance.

Whiteboard animation is effective because of its simplicity and familiarity. Elements of an effective whiteboard animated video are as follows:

Moving hand: remember that whiteboard animation is by definition a recording of a process of physical drawing. Even when the animation or illustrations are drawn using computers, make sure the animation still features the moving (drawing) hand. It arguably is the most important element of a whiteboard animation because the hand shows that someone is believably drawing out characters and writing noteworthy texts on the board, crafting a story right in front of the audience.

Plain background: although it is not impossible to use a different color for the background, white is the most familiar. The white background also opens the possibility to use many colored marker pens without readability issues. As long as you can maintain good readability, however, changing background color is not a terrible idea.

Styles: modern whiteboard animations come in many different styles. The basic elements of moving hand, texts, narration, and plain background remain the same, but you can modify some aspects to make the video more unique. For example, you can use blackboard or notepad as the background instead of conventional white and write the texts in different font styles.

Consistent drawing motion: this is the part that separates professionally created whiteboard animation from the DIY ones. To appear more realistic and convincing, the moving hand has to follow certain lines of the characters/objects being drawn. A simple up-and-down movement may work, but the final video will appear rough and less interesting to watch. Viewers naturally follow the movements of the hand in the video; if the hand appears to move randomly inconsistent to the drawing, the video looks rough.

Whiteboard animation traditionally has only two colors: black and white. They are great for readability, but it doesn’t have to be always created that way. Play with colors in the characters’ clothing, objects, and texts to highlight important information you want the viewers to remember. Effective use of colors also helps viewers understand the message better.

Additional Elements

As long as you keep the traditional elements intact, everything else can be modified as needed. keep in mind that readability is the most important objective to achieve. Experiment with various objects such as moving vehicles, animal interactions, water, building interiors, and everything else relevant to the project to build an interesting story and deliver your message. Just remember, the more “custom” you make the video, the more expensive it will be.



Why Create A Whiteboard Animated Video

Whiteboard animation is a fantastic way to introduce your company, brands, and products to the audience at large. It is less expensive than conventional videos yet more effective to keep viewers attentive and engaged. Production is also easier because the animation is almost entirely made on computers; the characters are drawn and the narration (voice-over) can be added later approaching the final production step.

If your goal is to find the best format to deliver your message, online video is certainly the best format to deliver your message. People are more attracted to multimedia content and inclined to share them on their social circles as well, especially when the video provides valuable honest information and answers their problems. Whiteboard animation offers the affordability of every startup’s needs and the promise of ROI by generating more sales.

There are DIY programs available to create whiteboard animation so you can distribute them to your YouTube channel and social media accounts. When it comes to online marketing, however, DIY whiteboard animations will most likely fail due to their poor production quality and the lack of optimization (making sure they fit all platforms).

Although you can create the animation using specialized software to save even more money, hiring a professional video company is always the better option. Now, with our global Staff-on-Demand program, you can get a professional whiteboard animation created at a fraction of the cost charged by most video studios. You can also get a fixed cost based on your requirements.  In addition, you also get:


The most obvious advantage is quality. They have all the talent and the tools to produce high-quality whiteboard animation and offer their expertise for the entire process. Since you intend to use the video as a marketing tool for your business, you want it to be enjoyable, easy to understand, and on point. The video is also a representative of your company, so you should aim for the best possible quality.


Without helps from professionals, you have to handle all the works yourself. Even with pre-made templates available from popular software, it would take hours (if not days) to get the job done. Also, some templates are just too common – they are used by thousands of others – when what you need is something authentic and unique to stand out from the crowd. A professional video company is filled with trained scriptwriters, illustrators, music engineers, animators, and voice-over talents to name a few. In other words, the company can handle the entire production process.  

Online Visibility

You should also make sure the bundled package consists of not only the whiteboard animation video but online visibility optimization. This means the final video is constantly monitored to generate data including views, conversion, and basically whether or not it is effective in many different platforms. Adjustments and optimizations are made accordingly based on the data.