• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

Why Combining Logic and Creativity Gives You a Competitive Edge.

Competitive Advantage significantly impacts your success, long-term profitability, and viability. But, about 80% of people believe they are not creative. Why?

Schools focus on vertical or analytical Thinking, which optimizes known knowledge rather than diverging into new possibilities.

Lateral Thinking moves beyond vertical Thinking and analysis and creates new ideas by disrupting the way the mind works. Some people you know who use Lateral Thinking are Steve Jobs (Apple), Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX), and Richard Branson (Virgin Group), who have applied this technique to revolutionize their industries.

Edward De Bono created lateral Thinking in the 1960s, a more productive approach to generating new ideas. In addition to vertical Thinking, lateral thinking techniques encourage breaking assumptions, making unusual connections, and embracing uncertainty, all essential for generating new ideas.

 Combining analytical thinking (optimizing existing solutions) and lateral Thinking (creating new, innovative ideas, concepts, and innovations) is crucial to creating a competitive advantage.

If you want to create a competitive advantage and move your company to new heights,  check out my website— and blog posts for more information.

Feel free to share your comments, insights, or questions. I would love to hear them. We’ll all learn from one another.


Jim Zitek

I help companies create their competitive advantage.


Want to Future-Proof Your Competitive Advantage? 

You could do many traditional things, such as focusing on your strengths, enhancing customer experiences, or expanding your product line.

But it would be best if you started thinking at a slightly higher level. For example, think long-term but maintain short-term flexibility and treat disruption as an opportunity.

This thinking will help you keep your competitive advantage relevant and enable you to create an environment of innovation and early adoption of new ideas and technologies.

It also opens the door to many other alternatives that will enable you to maintain your competitive advantage.

If you want to create a sustainable, competitive advantage,  check out my website.

Feel free to share your comments and insights. I would love to hear them. Please email me at  jzitek@harborcapitalgroupinc.comn. We’ll all learn from one another.

Cheers, Jim Zitek

I help companies create and keep their competitive advantage.

Competition is for survival.  A Competitive Advantage is for Success.


The purpose of competition is to benefit the consumer—to keep prices down and quality up. It also benefits the economy by ensuring the most efficient use of resources and encouraging enterprise.

However, the most influential producers may be able to increase market share. Sales volume may increase, but the benefits are not reflected in margins and profits—only survival.

A Competitive Advantage, however, enables you to move upwards from the competitive baseline, help customers, and increase market share and profits. But value must also exist, or your advantage will quickly disappear.

However, once your idea has been enacted, you must continuously improve it, or competitors will try to copy it.

Here is the surprise. According to a study by Michael Mauboussen, an expert in investment strategy, only 10-15% of public companies have a competitive advantage. Why? The long-term benefits of a competitive advantage offer the ability to outperform rivals and achieve superior profitability.

To create a competitive advantage,  check out my website or email me at  jzitek@harborcapitalgroupinc.com.  

Cheers, Jim Zitek

I help companies create their competitive advantage.

Custom-Fit Creativity: Creative Techniques to Transform Your Challenges.

When a problem is challenging to solve, or you require an exceptionally creative idea to exploit a potential market opportunity, which of the many creative techniques available would maximize your benefits?

Traditional Thinking or vertical Thinking is a systematic and logical approach. It follows established rules and pathways to arrive at solutions. It relies on sequential steps, continuously moving towards an objective.  It is also rooted in past knowledge and proven methods.

For example, the TRIZ method, or the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving”) method for technical or engineering challenges. TRIZ can also be used to improve ideas from other techniques like brainstorming.    

Lateral Thinking was created by Edward de Bono in 1967. This unconventional approach encourages looking at problems from different angles. It’s about breaking from established patterns to explore creative solutions and unexpected conclusions.

Lateral Thinking is about taking advantage of how the mind works by disrupting learned patterns pr information and creating a new pattern that isn’t immediately obvious.

For example, Uber applied Lateral Thinking to the taxi industry by leveraging technology to match drivers with passengers directly, bypassing traditional taxi dispatch systems. Netflix, initially a DVD rental service, used lateral Thinking to pivot and dominate the video streaming industry. 

Note: I will write about these creative techniques in upcoming messages, so stay connected. Learn how each creative technique can help you solve problems and create new opportunities. 

To learn more about creating a Competitive Advantage,  visit my website or email me at  jzitek@harborcapitalgroupinc.com.  Do you have a specific question? Let me know what it is here, and I will get you an answer.  

Cheers, Jim Zitek

I help companies create their competitive advantage.

Turn Economic Pressures Into Creative Opportunities.



No one can predict the exact economic and market changes that will occur in the next few years or their impact on specific industries. As you know, these pressures include inflation, technological advancements, customer behavior, debt levels, employee skills, and government regulations, just to name a few.

Yet, there is a solution. Creativity is a proven tool you can use to attack and overcome these pressures. Creativity can be a transformative tool to turn economic pressures into opportunities by rethinking problems, discovering new possibilities, and innovating traditional and new constraints. 

Here are a few ways creativity plays a pivotal role in this transformative process. To start with, there are many different creative techniques you can use to reframe challenges as opportunities, innovate problem-solving solutions, including process innovation, explore different business models, and retain customer loyalty.

There are over 20 creative techniques you can use to get the results you might need to achieve your goal of turning economic pressures into creative opportunities. Don’t wait until you are forced to come up with risky answers quickly.

 To learn more about creating a competitive advantage,  visit my website or email me at  jzitek@harborcapitalgroupinc.com.  Do you have a specific question? Let me know what it is here, and I will reply quickly.

Cheers, Jim Zitek

I help companies create their competitive advantage.

Is Brainstorming the Answer to Idea Generation?

Brainstorming is one of many creative techniques for solving problems and generating new ideas to help your company grow. You can quickly invite a diverse group of employees to a meeting and ask them to generate ways to meet a specific objective.

Brainstorming can be a quick and inexpensive way to create new ideas. 3M company used it to create Post-it notes after the initial research failed.

If you encourage everyone to participate, brainstorming can quickly generate many ideas. Additional sessions can then be held to identify the most promising ideas.
However, to generate many ideas -good and bad- you need to suspend criticism and judgments to get people to participate.

There are some downside issues as well. First, remember you are after quantity rather than quality. Also, some participants overshadow others, and based on rank, that could be a problem. It could reduce the volume and selection of ideas generated.

In today’s fast-paced business economy, generating fresh, innovative ideas is crucial for creating and maintaining a Competitive Advantage. Brainstorming can be a powerful creative technique that can unlock the innovative potential of individuals and teams.

As with any new product or service idea, it’s still crucial to conceptualize and test the potential of brainstormed concepts before committing to a budget for their design and implementation.

Cheers, Jim Zitek

I help companies create their competitive advantage

If you have any comments or questions, please send them to me at jzitek@harborcapitalgroupinc.com. Thanks.

Strategic Thinking: From Data To Creative Insights

Now that you have researched and diagnosed your problem or opportunity, It is time to take your strategy thinking from data to creative insights. I started by writing this blog post about using the information obtained from your research and diagnosis and turning it into insights, concepts, and innovations.

I quickly realized that “being creative” is a terrifying idea. Most people believe creativity is for artists or stand-up comedians. But they need to be more creative. About 80% of people think they are not creative — even schools don’t bother to teach creative Thinking. If I didn’t explain that everyone can be creative, I wouldn’t have any readers — 80% would think reading it is a waste of time, and 20% wouldn’t need it.


In this blog post, I want to give you a little background on creativity and show you some of the many techniques you can use to help you reach your objectives.


Why is Everyone “Wired” to be Creative?

Creativity is a universal human trait that resides within us, just waiting to be unlocked. Our mind is wired to continuously collect data and store that data into long-term data and short-term data. Then, set up patterns that connect the two. When a pattern is interrupted, it can create a new perspective.

At its core, creativity is an intrinsic human quality. From the early stages of childhood, humans exhibit creative tendencies through imaginative play, drawing, and storytelling. These early expressions of creativity testify to its fundamental presence in our nature.


Following are some compelling reasons why we can all be creative. Cross-Pollination of Ideas. Creative Thinking often thrives when ideas from different domains converge. Drawing inspiration from diverse sources, disciplines, and experiences can result in fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. Creative individuals are often adept at connecting seemingly unrelated concepts.

Yes, There Are Failures. Creative endeavors are not immune to setbacks and failures. However, embracing failure as an integral part of the creative process can reduce the fear of making mistakes. It encourages risk-taking and ultimately leads to breakthroughs and novel ideas.

The Power of Collaboration. Collaborative efforts and brainstorming sessions often spark creative ideas. Interacting with others, sharing ideas, and building on collective knowledge can result in innovative solutions that have yet to be achievable in isolation.

Conclusion Creativity is not a scarce resource reserved for a select few; it is an abundant human trait. Anyone can embark on self-discovery, innovation, and personal growth.


Is Creativity Intuitive Thinking or Insightful Thinking

Intuitive Thinking is the ability to arrive at insights and conclusions without conscious reasoning or analysis. It is a form of rapid cognition that operates unconsciously, often described as a “gut feeling” or “instinct.” Intuitive Thinking relies on past experiences and knowledge that has been internalized, allowing the individual to make quick judgments and decisions based on patterns and associations. Intuitive Thinking often contrasts with analytical Thinking, which involves conscious reasoning and logical information analysis. While analytical Thinking helps solve complex problems, intuitive Thinking can be valuable when quick decisions are necessary or when information is incomplete or ambiguous. Intuitive Thinking is often associated with creativity and innovation, as it can lead to novel ideas and approaches. However, it can also be influenced by biases and heuristics, leading to errors in judgment.  For example, Newton’s intuitive insight about gravity led to his discovery of the laws of motion.


Insightful Thinking is a cognitive process involving sudden and deep understanding or realization of a problem, situation, concept, or relationship. It often occurs when you connect previously unrelated information or experiences, leading to a profound and often transformative understanding. Insight can also manifest as an “aha” moment when a complex or puzzling issue suddenly becomes clear.

Critical characteristics of insight include:

Suddenness: Insights tend to occur abruptly and without warning. They often emerge when an individual grapples with a problem or question for some time, and the solution appears suddenly and unexpectedly.

Connection of Ideas: Insight often involves connecting ideas or experiences that were not previously linked. It can reveal hidden patterns, relationships, or solutions that were not immediately apparent.

Problem Solving: Insight is closely associated with problem-solving by providing that missing piece of the puzzle,allowing individuals to overcome obstacles, find creative solutions, or make sense of complex situations.

Innovation: Many breakthroughs in science, technology, and creativity result from insight. Innovators and inventors often use insights to develop new theories, products, or artistic expressions.

Personal Growth: Insight can also extend to self-awareness and personal growth. It can provide a deeper understanding of one’s emotions, motivations, and behaviors, facilitating personal development and self-improvement.

Transformation: Insight has the power to transform perspectives, beliefs, and paradigms. It can challenge long-held assumptions and lead to a more enlightened or enlightened outlook.

Problem Resolution: Insights can be applied to resolve practical and conceptual problems. They provide a path forward when conventional approaches have proven ineffective.

Conclusion. Insight is a valuable creative process that can lead to profound understanding, innovative solutions, and personal growth. It often emerges due to mental processes such as pattern recognition, associative Thinking, and the integration of diverse knowledge and experiences. Also, cultivating an open and curious mindset can enhance one’s capacity for insight.


Strategic Thinking: From Data To Creative Insights

How To Create Insightful, Creative Ideas and Solutions

Generating insightful and creative ideas and solutions involves a complex cognitive process within the mind. Research has provided insights into how the mind generates new or different patterns to create insights: There are over a dozen ways to generate new ideas. Following are some of the most popular ways to create new creative insights, ideas, concepts, and innovative solutions.

I will define five techniques here to give you some ideas of the possible techniques available. I will cover many techniques in other blog posts within the ClickVisor program.

I want to show you how you can create insights and creative solutions to your problems and opportunities. Associative Thinking involves connecting unrelated concepts or experiences stored in memory to form

novel associations or patterns. It’s the basis for many creative insights, enabling the mind to draw connections. between seemingly unrelated ideas. Suppose unexpected cues or associations disrupt or trigger the association or pattern. In that case, a memory pattern can lead to different conclusions, thoughts, or insights. The brain’s ability to make new associations and drawing unexpected findings are fundamental to creativity and problem-solving.

Divergent Thinking: Divergent Thinking is about generating a wide range of unique ideas, solutions, and possibilities in response to a specific question or problem. It encourages exploring multiple perspectives and solutions to a problem, promoting creativity. It’s about generating unique ideas, solutions, and possibilities in response to a specific question or problem. Divergent Thinking is the opposite of Convergent thinking, which focuses on finding a single correct answer to a problem.

Incubation:  Incubation is based on the idea that the subconscious mind continues to work on unresolved issues, and by providing it with the time and space to do so, individuals can experience breakthrough insights and generate creative solutions. During this subconscious processing, the brain works on the problem in the background, making connections and associations. It is often used by writers, inventors, and problem solvers who encounter mental roadblocks or seek to overcome creative challenges.

Metaphorical Thinking: Metaphors and analogies are powerful tools for creative Thinking. It is a cognitive process that involves understanding, explaining, or conceptualizing one thing in terms of another, often dissimilar, by drawing parallels, comparisons, or analogies between them.

Metaphorical Thinking enables us to convey abstract or complex ideas by relating them to more familiar or concrete concepts.

Creative Techniques: This involves various creative techniques, such as mind mapping. This technique involves mapping out a visual and graphic design for organizing, representing, and generating ideas,

information, or concepts in a structured and interconnected manner. It’s a creative and effective tool for brainstorming, problem-solving, note-taking, planning, and learning.

Six Hats is another technique great for groups. Each of the hats represents a phase of the process with a time limit for each phase. By adopting different perspectives through each phase (or hat), teams can systematically explore a problem, generate innovative solutions, and make well-informed decisions. This method encourages a more structured and balanced approach to Thinking. It promotes collaborative problem-solving within a group or team setting.


In summary, creativity is a fundamental aspect of human nature that can be developed and enhanced. It’s not restricted to a select few techniques. With the right mindset, environment, and practice, anyone can generate innovative solutions to problems.

Encouraging and fostering creativity in oneself and others can lead to greater personal fulfillment and contribute to innovative advancements in various fields.

The insight /Innovation module of my online ClickVisor program has more information on generating creative ideas to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities with practical business and marketing strategies.

I like the Random Word technique (interrupting your current concept pattern with a word that disrupts that pattern with new ideas) and the Six Hats method (for teams, which is far more effective than brainstorming).



Strategic Thinking: Why Research Without Diagnosis Is Incomplete

Once you have identified your objective, you are ready to begin researching the “problem” preventing you from reaching your objective. Typically, research is the first step to gaining the knowledge needed to understand the problem. But, more than research alone, you must also diagnose the situation to get the information you need to solve the problem. Why? Research is a process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information to gain new knowledge. Its purpose is to contribute to your existing body of knowledge. Diagnosis is identifying the cause or nature of a specific problem or condition. It’s about determining what is wrong or why something is not functioning as expected. A McKinsey study showed that prominent company CEOs made the right decision 52% of the time. This blog post on why research and diagnosis are crucial to getting the correct information will help you get the right information to make better decisions more often.

Much of the strategy is asking what is going on here. The fundamental question is not just deciding what to do but comprehending the situation.  Navigating Business Challenges: Research vs. Diagnosis In a dynamic business landscape, making informed decisions is paramount. Two essential processes that drive these decisions are research and diagnosis. While they share commonalities, they serve distinct purposes when addressing business problems or seizing opportunities.

Strategic Thinking: Why Research Without Diagnosis Is Incomplete

Once you have identified your objective, you are ready to begin researching the “problem” preventing you from reaching your objective. Typically, research is the first step to gaining the knowledge needed to understand the problem. But, more than research alone, you must also diagnose the situation to get the information you need to solve the problem. Why? Research is a process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information to gain new knowledge. Its purpose is to contribute to your existing body of knowledge. Diagnosis is identifying the cause or nature of a specific problem or condition. It’s about determining what is wrong or why something is not functioning as expected. A McKinsey study showed that prominent company CEOs made the right decision 52% of the time. This blog post on why research and diagnosis are crucial to getting the correct information will help you get the right information to make better decisions more often.

Much of the strategy is asking what is going on here. The fundamental question is not just deciding what to do but comprehending the situation.  Navigating Business Challenges: Research vs. Diagnosis In a dynamic business landscape, making informed decisions is paramount. Two essential processes that drive these decisions are research and diagnosis. While they share commonalities, they serve distinct purposes when addressing business problems or seizing opportunities.

Why Is a Broad Perception Critical For Creativity, and Decision Making.


A cloud of insight 

A broader perception is indeed critical for understanding, creativity, and decision-making, and

the reasons why it’s often overlooked in education are complex and multifaceted.

To visualize different perspectives, I have a great story from one of Edward De Bono’s books on Thinking.

It demonstrates why you need to go beyond the obvious. A group of young boys are standing around, and they decide

to tease Billy once again. So they show Billy two coins, a large one worth a dollar and a small one worth two dollars,

and tell him to pick one. He picks the large one, and the group laughs and has a good time at Billy’s expense.

So anytime the boys need a good laugh, they offer Billy the same two options. He keeps picking the

large coin, to their delight. One day, an older man sees what happened and says to Bily, you picked the wrong coin;

the smaller one is worth twice as much as the larger one. Billy says, “I know that. But, if I picked the small coin,

they would never keep coming back again and again to give me money/” Your perspective can make a big difference.


 Here’s Why a Broader Perspective Matters


Breaking free from the box: Broadening your perception exposes you to new ideas, challenges assumptions,

and fuels your imagination. This freedom opens up possibilities for unconventional solutions and groundbreaking innovations.

Cross-pollination of ideas: Combining diverse perspectives gives birth to novel concepts and approaches.

Imagine combining scientific principles with artistic expression or merging business models from different industries – endless possibilities.

Thinking outside the lines: By stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing the unfamiliar,

ou tap into your latent creative potential and break free from the constraints of conventional thinking.

The Power of Perspective: Some Numbers.


Research paints a compelling picture. Studies by the University of Chicago found that teams that are diverse

in perspective outperform homogenous ones by 60%. A Harvard Business Review analysis revealed that CEOs

with broader perspectives generated 20% higher revenue. And, in a surprising twist, a Stanford study showed

that simply imagining another person’s perspective can boost your creativity by 25%.


These stats show that perspective hacking is the ultimate mental multi-tool. It unlocks doors to:

More brilliant Strategies: By considering multiple viewpoints, you anticipate blind spots

and craft strategies that adapt to the shifting landscape.

Faster Problem-Solving: Different perspectives reveal hidden connections and cracks in

the problem, leading to quicker, more effective solutions.

Untapped Creativity: Stepping into another’s shoes sparks unexpected connections,

igniting the fires of innovation and generating novel ideas.


Here Are Some Ways to Cultivate a Broader Perception 


Seek out diverse perspectives:

1. Read books and articles from different viewpoints.

2. Watch documentaries on unfamiliar cultures.

3. Engage in conversations with people from different backgrounds.

Challenge your assumptions:

Question your own biases and beliefs and actively

seek out evidence that contradicts your expectations.

Embrace curiosity:

Stay curious about the world and explore new ideas and experiences.

Travel and immerse yourself in different cultures:

Experiencing different ways

of life can expand your worldview and challenge your assumptions.



By actively cultivating a broader perception, you can become a better understander, creator, and

decision-maker, navigating the world’s complexities with greater confidence and success.

It’s now your turn. Break free from tunnel vision and boost your creativity and decision-making.