• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

Positioning Is The Battle For Your Mind


To complete today, you must create a “position” in the prospect’s mind, and getting “shelf space” in the prospect’s mind is becoming more complex and competitive.

Positioning helps solve the over communications problem. So what are positioning strategies, and how do they work?

Potential buyers have a vast array of companies and products. The internet makes it quick and easy to access this marketplace.  

Consequently, setting your company and brand apart from your competition is critical for long-term success.

According to Jeff Bezos, on hingemarketing.com”Your brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room.”

One excellent solution to this problem is a positioning strategy that will help you establish your company

or product “position” in the minds of your target audience. But, you want to use simple concepts

and express them using simple words. Positioning can enable an instantly positive impression

of your offer and its value. Plus, it offers a way to differentiate your proposal from your competitors,

And it doesn’t matter if you are a B2B or B2C or offer unique professional expertise; it works for everyone. 


What is A Positioning Strategy


Paulwriter.com states that a positioning strategy is a marketing plan that determines where your business stands

in the overall market and how you should be positioned to attract more customers.

The net result of your project is a statement (written or visual) that sets your company and product apart

from your competition and offers extraordinary value. A successful positioning strategy helps companies become

an authority in their field, distinguish themselves from competitors for better brand recognition,

or even create new markets by identifying unmet needs among consumers.

More specifically, businesses may use this approach when going up against

established players who have been around longer and those with a more incredible distribution channel.


Positioning influences what customers think of your company, brand, or product. Still, it will not convince

someone of a concept they don’t agree with or believe. Therefore, your positioning must align with

the already-established beliefs of your customers and your strategy constructed around this.


 The Three Key Elements Of A Positioning Strategy


Market Positioning is the ability to influence a consumer’s perception of your brand or product relative to competitors.

Market positioning creates a designed brand or identity based on your strategy. 


Your channel is how customers interact with your brand. Depending on your business model,

your channel may be your sales or marketing team. Use this research information to help you

to collect data on how to reach and deliver your products. 



Every successful positioning strategy must fully grasp the target market and customer needs.

Knowing your target demographic will help you guide decision-making. This information is necessary to create the right pricing strategy.  



Evaluate your market position relative to your competitors.

A visual positioning map or tool (you can even use the business model canvas for each competitor)

helps visualize where your company stands in customers’ minds to help you see the overall market strategies.  

According to corporatefinanceinstitute.comThese three market positioning elements give you

the information you need to get an overall perception of your brand or product relative to competitors.

This perception should enable you to establish a clear objective and establish the brand

or product’s image or identity so consumers perceive it in a way that makes sense.


 What are positioning strategies?


Product price 

A reliable differentiation strategy links your product with a competitive price point.

This positioning strategy focuses on the relationship between price, quality,

and the consumer’s perception of the product value. In comparing costs, a buyer might assume that one product is higher in price

and, therefore, is higher in quality. Conversely, a lower-priced product is positioned to be more affordable,  


Unique value proposition

What is your product’s unique value proposition? Highlight the features and benefits

of your product as uniquely equipped to meet the specific needs of your targeted customer. 


Product Quality

Customers are accustomed to paying more for perceived higher product quality.

This strategy is incredibly successful in the luxury market, where high quality,

limited availability, and famous brand ambassadors influence purchase decisions.


Competitive Positioning

Two strategies from indeed.com directly compare your product with your competitors to show how yours 

is better or unique. This positioning strategy focuses on differentiating your product from the competitor’s products.

Based on that differentiation, you may also price the product higher or lower than the competition.


Positioning Based On Function

 Positioning should be based on its use or function. For example, different services

for the product in different seasons. Or other uses for the product for different kinds of jobs.

Expanding the use may change the targeted customer. 

Influentials and ambassadors. This is when a brand is associated with a celebrity 

and can be a compelling endorsement. Think Michael Jorden for Nike or Tom Cruise.

Depending on your budget, key influentials can be local or national.


 Why Is Positioning Important 


Positioning is about much more than just your content marketing strategy or

the design of your website. Done with care and a well-crafted position, it can help you:

Build brand awareness and reach new customers

Build brand loyalty among your existing customers

Create a stronger value proposition

Be more consistent in your messaging across marketing, sales, customer service, Etc.




Market or brand positioning allows a company to differentiate itself from competitors.

This differentiation helps your business increase brand awareness, communicate value, and justify pricing, impacting your bottom line. 


Your positioning strategy is a marketing plan that determines where your business stands in the overall market and

how you should be positioned to attract more customers.  A successful positioning strategy helps

companies become an authority in their field, distinguish themselves from competitors

for better brand recognition, or even create new markets by identifying unmet needs among consumers.  


Positioning influences what customers think of your company, brand, or product. Still, it will not convince

someone of a concept they don’t agree with or believe. Therefore, your positioning must align with the

already-established beliefs of your customers and your strategy constructed around this.

Think about this:  If you are not the category leader, can you set up a category where you can be the leader? I would love to hear how it works out.

Positioning: An Important Way To Differentiate Your Brand

SaaS companies are no longer unique, and most have many SaaS competitors with similar services.

This makes it difficult to break out and get attention.

Getting attention is similar to the problem marketers had in the ‘70s and ‘80s

when getting through the media noise was almost impossible.

That’s why its time  to take a look at your competitive position in the minds of buyers,


Marketing ROIs were getting expensive. Then, JackTrout wrote a book about “Positioning.”

The idea of positioning is to find and take a unique position in the customer’s mind. 


For example, many car rental companies were fighting each other at that time. 

Hertz was the acknowledged leader.

Avis realized that service was an essential outcome people wanted and a position no one owned.

So, they positioned themselves in the minds of consumers as being  #2,

because “We Try Harder” propelled them into number 2 and above the crowd.


Many SaaS companies are facing that same competitive environment today.

Therefore it’s time to take a look at your competitive position in the minds of buyers,

In an article by Yasmine de Aranda from Martet8, she stated you must ask the critical question, “

Why should a prospect choose you over the competitors”?

You need a compelling reason for them to buy from you.

Remember, they don’t care about your awesome company until they care about what you can do for them.

The right position will increase responses and conversions, a shorter buying cycle, higher retention, and scalability.

Some information you will need to create your positioning:

  • Who are your potential customers?
  • What outcomes are they trying to achieve?
  • Why are your competitors unable to achieve these outcomes?
  • How will your solution make your customer’s life better?


Don’t just write down the answers. Ask your customers for the answers.

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Positioning: An Important Way to Differentiate Your Brand

SaaS companies are no longer unique and most of these companies have lots of SaaS competitors with similar services, This makes it difficult to break out and get attention.

Getting attention is similar to the problem in the ‘70s and ‘80s when getting through the media noise almost impossible. Marketing ROIs were getting expensive. Then, JackTrout wrote a book about “Positioning.” The idea of positioning is to find and take a unique position in the customer’s mind. For example, there were many car rental companies at that time, all fighting each other.   Hertz was the acknowledged leader. Avis realized that service was an essential outcome people wanted, so they positioned themselves as being #2, so “We Try Harder,” which propelled them into number 2 and above the crowd.

Many SaaS companies are facing that same competitive environment today. Therefore it’s time to take a look at your competitive position. 

In an article by Yasmine de Aranda, from Martet8, she stated you have to ask the key question, “Why should a prospect choose you over the competitors”? You need a compelling reason for them to buy from you. Remember, they don’t care about your awesome company until they care about what you can do for them.

The following are some questions you need to create your positioning statement.

1 What data collection and monitoring procedures have you designed to help you get and analyze customer information? Don’t rely on your instincts to generalizations. You will need this data to help you test, adjust and validate your assumptions as you create your positioning statement.

2 Get a detailed understanding of your customers and the outcomes they want. What different outcomes do they want? Have they tried alternative solutions? What concerns do they have? With this kind of data, you can begin to profile the customers you want.

3 Look at your competitors through your customer’s eyes. Look at both competitors and indirect competitors. Look at their positioning and strategy. What outcomes, if any, are they touting?

4 Measure your positioning strategy by sales results. For example, the number of leads per month, the number of qualified leads per month, the time to close, churn rate changes, the average cost to acquire customers and average lifetime value.

 Don’t just write down the answers. Ask your customers for the answers. The right position will get you increased responses and conversions, a shorter buying cycle, higher retention, and scalability.