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Elements of A Whiteboard Animated Video

Elements of A Whiteboard Animated Video

Prospects want to know what your product is and how it provides a solution for their problem, and an explainer video is by far the most effective way to tell the world about what you have to offer.

Video delivers all the necessary messages in such a concise manner that viewers can receive the information without spending too much time in front of the screen. The combination of images, texts, and audio in whiteboard animation creates a comprehensive context behind the story that viewers can easily understand. The use of relatable characters and friendly voice-over makes the viewing experience more enjoyable; in a relaxed state of mind, the flow of information happens with the least resistance.

Whiteboard animation is effective because of its simplicity and familiarity. Elements of an effective whiteboard animated video are as follows:

Moving hand: remember that whiteboard animation is by definition a recording of a process of physical drawing. Even when the animation or illustrations are drawn using computers, make sure the animation still features the moving (drawing) hand. It arguably is the most important element of a whiteboard animation because the hand shows that someone is believably drawing out characters and writing noteworthy texts on the board, crafting a story right in front of the audience.

Plain background: although it is not impossible to use a different color for the background, white is the most familiar. The white background also opens the possibility to use many colored marker pens without readability issues. As long as you can maintain good readability, however, changing background color is not a terrible idea.

Styles: modern whiteboard animations come in many different styles. The basic elements of moving hand, texts, narration, and plain background remain the same, but you can modify some aspects to make the video more unique. For example, you can use blackboard or notepad as the background instead of conventional white and write the texts in different font styles.

Consistent drawing motion: this is the part that separates professionally created whiteboard animation from the DIY ones. To appear more realistic and convincing, the moving hand has to follow certain lines of the characters/objects being drawn. A simple up-and-down movement may work, but the final video will appear rough and less interesting to watch. Viewers naturally follow the movements of the hand in the video; if the hand appears to move randomly inconsistent to the drawing, the video looks rough.

Whiteboard animation traditionally has only two colors: black and white. They are great for readability, but it doesn’t have to be always created that way. Play with colors in the characters’ clothing, objects, and texts to highlight important information you want the viewers to remember. Effective use of colors also helps viewers understand the message better.

Additional Elements

As long as you keep the traditional elements intact, everything else can be modified as needed. keep in mind that readability is the most important objective to achieve. Experiment with various objects such as moving vehicles, animal interactions, water, building interiors, and everything else relevant to the project to build an interesting story and deliver your message. Just remember, the more “custom” you make the video, the more expensive it will be.



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