• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

What Are Positioning Strategies


How To Develop A Positioning Strategy


Getting “shelf space” in the prospect’s mind is becoming more complex and competitive.

Today you can make that a global marketplace. So what are positioning strategies, and how do they work?

Potential buyers have a vast array of companies and products. The internet makes it quick and easy to access this marketplace.  

Consequently, setting your company and brand apart from your competition is critical

for long-term success. According to Jeff Bezos, on hingemarketing.com”Your brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room.”

One excellent solution to this problem is a positioning strategy that will help you

establish your company or product “position” in the minds of your target audience.

t can enable an instantly positive impression of your offer and its value.

Plus, it offers a way to differentiate your proposal from your competitors,

And it doesn’t matter if you are a B2B or B2C or offer unique professional expertise; it works for everyone. 


What is A Positioning Strategy


Paulwriter.com states that a positioning strategy is a marketing plan that determines where your business stands

in the overall market and how you should be positioned to attract more customers.

The net result of your project is a statement (written or visual) that sets your company and product apart

from your competition and offers extraordinary value.A successful positioning strategy helps companies become

an authority in their field, distinguish themselves from competitors for better brand recognition,

or even create new markets by identifying unmet needs among consumers.

More specifically, businesses may use this approach when going up against

established players who have been around longer and those with a more incredible distribution channel.


Positioning influences what customers think of your company, brand, or product.

Still, it will not convince someone of a concept they don’t agree with or believe.

Therefore, your positioning must align with the already-established beliefs of your customers and your strategy constructed around this.


 The Three Key Elements Of A Positioning Strategy


Market Positioning is the ability to influence a consumer’s perception of your brand or product relative to competitors.

Market positioning creates a designed brand or identity based on your strategy. 


Your channel is how customers interact with your brand. Depending on your business model,

your channel may be your sales or marketing team. Use this research information to help you

to collect data on how to reach and deliver your products. 



Every successful positioning strategy must fully grasp the target market and customer needs.

Knowing your target demographic will help you guide decision-making. This information is necessary to create the right pricing strategy.  



Evaluate your market position relative to your competitors.

A visual positioning map or tool (you can even use the business model canvas for each competitor)

helps visualize where your company stands in customers’ minds to help you see the overall market strategies.  

According to corporatefinanceinstitute.comThese three market positioning elements give you the information you need

to get an overall perception of your brand or product relative to competitors.

This perception should enable you to establish a clear objective and establish the brand

or product’s image or identity, so consumers perceive it in a way that makes sense.


 So, what are positioning strategies?


Product price 

A reliable differentiation strategy links your product with a competitive price point.

This positioning strategy focuses on the relationship between price, quality,

and the consumer’s perception of the product value. In comparing costs, a buyer might assume that one product is higher in price

and, therefore, is higher in quality. Conversely, a lower-priced product is positioned to be more affordable,  


Unique value proposition

What is your product’s unique value proposition? Highlight the features and benefits

of your product as uniquely equipped to meet the specific needs of your targeted customer. 

Product Quality

Customers are accustomed to paying more for perceived higher product quality.

This strategy is incredibly successful in the luxury market, where high quality,

limited availability, and famous brand ambassadors influence purchase decisions.


Competitive Positioning

Two strategies from indeed.com directly compare your product with your competitors

to show how yours is better or unique. This positioning strategy focuses on differentiating your product

from the competitor’s products. Based on that differentiation, you may also price the product higher or lower than the competition.


Positioning Based On Function

 Positioning should be based on its use or function. For example, different services

for the product in different seasons. Or other uses for the product for different kinds of jobs.

Expanding the use may change the targeted customer. 

Influentials and ambassadors 

Influentials and ambassadors This is when a brand is associated with a celebrity 

and can be a compelling endorsement. Think Michael Jorden for Nike or Tom Cruise.

Depending on your budget, key influentials can be local or national.


 Why Is Positioning Important 


Positioning is about much more than just your content marketing strategy or

the design of your website. Done with care and a well-crafted position, it can help you:

Build brand awareness and reach new customers

Build brand loyalty among your existing customers

Create a stronger value proposition

Be more consistent in your messaging across marketing, sales, customer service, Etc.




Market or brand positioning allows a company to differentiate itself from competitors.

This differentiation helps your business increase brand awareness, communicate value, and justify pricing, impacting your bottom line. 


Your positioning strategy is a marketing plan that determines where your business stands in the overall market and how

you should be positioned to attract more customers.  A successful positioning strategy helps

companies become an authority in their field, distinguish themselves from competitors for better brand recognition,

or even create new markets by identifying unmet needs among consumers.  


Positioning influences what customers think of your company, brand, or product.

Still, it will not convince someone of a concept they don’t agree with or believe.

Therefore, your positioning must align with the already-established beliefs of your customers and your strategy constructed around this.

Cheers,    Jim Zitek

P.S. I think you will find these interesting also: “How to get a creative solution to a difficult problem?”

Also, “Why business strategies are important”


Where Innovative strategies Fix Revenue Problems

Why Marketing Strategy Is Important?


What Is A Marketing Strategy?



I am starting this blog; “why a marketing strategy is important,” from the premise that your company already has a business strategy. Why?

Business strategy is your story, and marketing is how you tell that story. If you need a business strategy, check out this blog post.

The job of marketing is to find potential customers in your market niche and turn them into customers

— and then keep them as customers. Pretty straightforward, but as every marketer knows —

it’s doable but challenging. So we must start with the fundamental question, “What is a marketing strategy?”

First of all, the standard definition of a strategy is a process that starts with an objective (that is achievable and measurable),

then researches the problem and creates an insightful concept on how how to reach that objective.

Then the company decides how it will implement that solution

— what it will do and not do because of limited resources –

and finally, prepares a plan to execute and monitor the implementation of that strategy.

How Marketing Strategy Is Determined

A marketing strategy uses the same process as a business strategy.

However, the objective is to find potential customers in your market niche, turn them into customers,

and then keep them as customers. To do that, you need to focus on where the initial buying decision is made — in the buyer’s mind. 

Another way to look at marketing strategy is to ask questions because strategy is all about making choices,

and asking questions forces you to think more creatively. For example, what are the aspirations for your customers and your company?

What markets or categories are going to be your main focus? How will you convert those prospects into customers?

I will be writing a blog on this approach soon.

Unfortunately, too many marketers go astray on what they think is a marketing strategy.

They list ( a plan) all the media they can use and then go about telling their story when time and money permit. 

Their story is often about what they do, but the potential buyer doesn’t care what they do;

they care about what you do for them. Plus, they often need to remember that you have to reach prospects

where they make the initial buying decision— in their mind, not in a brochure or catalog.

They need to remember that their story is their business strategy, and marketing is how they tell it.

Why Marketing Strategy Is Important: The Competitive Challenge


If the targeted person is a prospect, you have to assume they need your product,

which means they already use your competitor’s product. You have to replace that brand with

your superior, differentiated brand and then position your brand as the better choice in this product category. 

If they are not using anyone’s product, you must ask why? If you can’t answer that question,

you might be in the wrong market, targeted the wrong audience, Or have a new product in a new market.

That is a short, simple explanation of the marketing challenge, but you can see why

most companies are disappointed with the results of their marketing program.

A Marketing Strategy Is How You Tell Your Story. 


First, you have to aim your story at the right target — the prospect’s mind where the buying decision is made.

As you know, our brains constantly collect information and store it in either our short memory (Tiger! Run!)

Or our long memory (Oh yea, I remember that now) so we can use it later. That storage space is like a piece of real estate.

Your job is to get your brand to own a piece of real estate in the buyer’s mind.

In any product category, there can be several brands stored there. One will be the number one preferred brand.

You may need a significant media budget to stay there if you are number one already.

But, if your brand is number two-five, you need to differentiate your product and position it as the better alternative.  

Everyone wants to know; what are some marketing strategy examples. Following are two you will recognize.


An example of doing it right: Hertz was the number one preferred band in the auto rental business

and had the largest market share. Avis moved to number two by positioning itself as the alternative to Hertz

by saying, “We’re number two. We try harder.” Busy business people hated waiting to check in or out.

They quickly “owned” that real estate in the buyer’s mind.


An example of doing it incorrectly: Computers were starting, and IBM was number one.

Honeywell was one of several other companies trying to compete with IBM.

They knew potential buyers looked at IBM and one other company before purchasing.

So Honeywell positioned itself as “The Other Computer Company.” It worked great for getting into the bidding process

— for a short period. But they lost every bid. Why? Their computers were not equivalent to IBM’s.

You have to be able to back up your positioning.   

You get the idea. Marketing strategy is more than making lists of media and deciding which tactics

and how big the budget will be. And you also need a strategy for each tactic you will use.   

I will cover the strategies of the different tactics – problems/issues, brands, differentiation, positioning,

value propositions, innovation, creative thinking, how to make better decisions, Etc. in other blog posts.  

However, to get started, the following essential things you need to do to assemble your marketing strategy and plan.


Marketing Tactics

Remember, your business strategy is your story 

and marketing is how you tell your story.

How To Get Your Marketing Program Started

A marketing strategy is a detailed plan of a company’s promotional efforts across various platforms and channels.

It includes objectives, target audience profiles, content creation steps, key performance indicators,

and other components. Hubspot.com identifies the following components as part of a marketing strategy.

In addition, I cover many other components and objectives like positioning, creating

differentiation, value propositions, brand creation, Etc., in other articles.


Marketing Objectives

 Start with the marketing program’s overall objective to determine how the marketing strategy creates revenues.

Then the objectives for each strategy element and the goals of each communications program or tactic you plan to use.

All of these must be in sync with the business and marketing strategy.

Again, make them achievable and measurable. With every objective, be as specific as possible. 

Marketing Budget: Your budget depends on the programs you want to implement

and the targeted market or niche selected. You can start with a definite value proposition

to a targeted small niche market and expand the target market as profits increase.

You can develop your marketing programs more quickly with the resources (time, talent, and money)

and an agreed-upon strategy. Also, the marketing budget must sync with your plan’s objectives and tactics. 


Competitive Analysis

Knowing your competition is critical when creating your marketing strategy. For example, compare your business model against your competitors.

This analysis will give you information and a visual perspective and make sharing this information with all your employees easy. 

Analyzing each business model element will enable you to look for weaknesses and opportunities to exploit. 


Client/Prospect Analysis

Marketing is about knowing your prospects and clients. Not just geographic, psychographic, and location, but what’s in their mind.

Clients and prospects may already have perceptions and opinions about your products and services

and those of your competitors. You want to find out if they do and what they are. 

This information is what your marketing will be about – creating a preferred space in their mind for your product.

In today’s competitive world, you must own a piece of real estate in your prospect’s mind.

Once you understand your position and your competitors’ positions, you can begin to create your marketing programs, including:

developing and maintaining your band,

differentiating your product from the competition  

positioning your product well in the prospect’s mind.

You are ready to begin designing and creating the message you want to send your prospects,

including advertisements, brochures, websites, white papers, video messages, content marketing, blogs, podcasts, publicity, and more.


Monitor Your Marketing Programs


Marketing performance measures marketing campaigns’ success and shows how well campaigns

are tracking toward your goals. They are also essential elements of any campaign,

and marketing teams need them to understand whether their marketing strategy is successful.


 Following are some metrics Amazon suggests for different channels that you should consider.

They will help you make better decisions about optimizing your programs and budgets.


Email marketing: email opens, forwards, unsubscribes

Digital marketing: click-through rate and impressions

Social media: follower count, impressions or reach, and engagement rate.

Website: monitor traffic, bounce rate, new customers, returning customers, time spent on site and traffic sources, and conversions.

Content marketing: blog traffic, amount of content shared, content downloads, qualified leads

through lead generation form and the progress of prospects throughout the sales funnel.

Video: impressions and total viewing time, followers, comments. Etc

Sales: with direct sales, sales team response time, sales call volume, and sales call reviews

Revenue: how much revenue each channel generates, the cost of that revenue, repeat sales, client turnover, and profits. 

SEO: organic traffic, average keyword rankings, keyword search volume, and 

Quality: Quality Score, reviews, and monthly recurring revenue.


I started this blog; what is a marketing strategy,” from the premise that your company already has

or is developing a business strategy. The job of marketing is to find potential customers

in your market niche and turn them into customers — and then keep them as customers. 

Another way to look at marketing strategy is to ask questions because strategy

is all about making choices, and asking questions forces you to think more creatively. 

Unfortunately, Marketers often think their story is about what they do,

but the potential buyer doesn’t care what you do; they care about what you do for them. 

Marketing Strategy Is How You Tell Your Story. First, you have to aim your story at the right target

— the prospect’s mind where the buying decision is made. In any product category,

there can be several brands stored there. One will be the number one preferred brand. 

You get the idea. Marketing strategy is more than making lists of media and deciding which tactics and how big the budget will be. 


Jim Zitek

Two other blog posts you will want to check out:  “How innovative strategies drive sales”

and “Innovative strategies for a competitive market”

Innovative strategies that create sales



What Is Marketing Strategy?


What Is A Marketing Strategy?

The word strategy is often misused and overused.

We are going to talk about how marketing strategy creates revenues in this article.

 However, I wanted to start this discussion with some simple definitions of strategy so everyone would be on the same page.

A strategy is a tool or method used to identify and solve a problem or exploit an opportunity

and devise a way to achieve the desired goal, often on a longer-term basis.  

A business strategy is using this tool to identify a problem that is preventing the company from reaching a specific goal (i.e.product, revenues)

or preventing the company from moving forward on an opportunity it believes may be available. 

The method for doing this is to turn the “goal” into a reachable, measurable objective.

Then diagnose the problem or opportunity to create an insightful solution.

The solution, based on the company’s resources (time, money. talents), dictates what the company will do and will not do to achieve the objective.

Then you translate your general policy into a coherent execution plan. This business strategy is the company’s story.


A Marketing Strategy Is How You Tell Your Story. 


A business strategy is from the company’s point of view; a marketing strategy is from the customer’s point of view.

So, marketing strategy uses the business strategy to guide the marketing strategy.

Still, it uses the same process of defining an achievable and measurable objective, a diagnosis of how to reach that objective.

Then it creates coherent programs and tactics to achieve that objective. 

But, marketing strategy is more than just advertising – it’s about connecting with the customer.

Marketing strategy comprises three major components; targeted marketing, the business offering, and achieving a competitive advantage.

Then you design a cohesive execution plan. Once implementation starts, you need to measure and consistently improve your results.

A marketing strategy enables the company to communicate with prospects and turn them into customers.

It’s about connecting with the customer.

Marketing strategy contains the company’s value proposition, brand, and positioning, product differentiation,

and other information designed to implant the brand’s offering into the mind of the targeted consumer.

Today, social media marketing is becoming a significant part of marketing strategy.

It’s a hugely compelling way to drive traffic, build brand awareness, and take advantage of the many digital opportunities available.

According to sixads.com, about 54% of social media users use social platforms to research products and brands,

and 89% of consumers who follow a particular brand will purchase from that brand.

Marketing Problems and Challenges


While marketers face many problems, Investopedia identifies the following four challenges as the most common. 

Fierce competition from competitors and no clear product differentiation

Not reaching the right prospects in your targeted market (traffic but few conversions)

Inconsistent messages preventing you from building a brand that lives in the prospect’s mind

Potentially poor use of resources because of hit-and-miss programs instead of a well-thought-out marketing strategy.

A strategy forces you to define a clear, reachable, and achievable objective and pathway to achieve that objective.


Too often, marketing companies focus on what they do — warning:

Prospects don’t care what you do; they care about what you do for them.

A marketing strategy focuses on what you do for targeted customers.

A strategy will also keep you from trying “this and that,” which is often a waste of time and resources.  


A marketing strategy aims to achieve a sustainable, competitive advantage over the competition.

You accomplish this by deeply understanding the target customers’ real needs and wants.

Regardless of the communication tool used, marketing is judged by how effectively it communicates the company’s core value proposition.   

How To Create A Marketing Strategy 


A marketing strategy is a detailed plan of a company’s promotional efforts across various platforms and channels.

It includes objectives, target audience profiles, content creation steps, key performance indicators, and other components.

Hubspot.com identifies the following components as part of a marketing strategy.

In addition,  I cover many other components and objectives like positioning, creating differentiation, value propositions, brand creation, etc., in other articles.


Marketing Objectives


Start with the marketing program’s overall objective to determine how the marketing strategy creates revenues.

Then the objectives for each strategy element and the objectives of each communications program or tactic you plan to use.

All of these must be in sync with the business and marketing strategy.

Again, make them achievable and measurable. With every objective, be as specific as possible. 

Marketing Budget

Your budget depends on the programs you want to implement, but it also depends on the targeted market or niche selected.

You can start with a definite value proposition to a targeted small niche market and expand the target market as profits increase.


You can develop your marketing programs more quickly if you have the resources (time, talent, and money)

and an agreed-upon strategy. Also, the marketing budget must sync with your plan’s objectives and tactics. 


Competitive Analysis

Knowing your competition is critical when creating your marketing strategy.

For example, compare your business model against your competitors.

This analysis will give you information and a visual perspective and make sharing this information with all your employees easy.

Analyzing each business model element will enable you to look for weaknesses and opportunities to exploit. 

Client/Prospect Analysis

Marketing is about knowing your prospects and clients. Not just geographic, psychographic, and location, but what’s in their mind.

Clients and prospects may already have perceptions and opinions about your products and services

and those of your competitors. You want to find out if they do and what they are. 

This information is what your marketing will be about – creating a preferred space in their mind for your product.

In today’s competitive world, you need to own a piece of real estate in your prospect’s mind.

Once you understand your position and your competitors’ positions, you can begin to create your marketing programs, including:

developing and maintaining your band,

differentiating your product from the competition  

positioning your product well in the prospect’s mind.

You are ready to begin designing and creating the message you want to send your prospects,

including advertisements, brochures, websites, white papers, video messages, content marketing, blogs, podcasts, publicity, and more.


Monitor Your Marketing Programs


Marketing performance measures marketing campaigns’ success and shows

how well campaigns are tracking toward key performance indicators. They are also essential elements of any campaign,

and marketing teams need them to understand whether their marketing strategy is successful.


 Following are some metrics Amazon suggests for different channels that you should consider:

They will help you make better decisions about optimizing your programs and budgets.


Email marketing: as email opens, email forwards, and unsubscribes

Digital marketing: click-through rate, cost-per-action (CPA), and impressions

Social media: follower count, impressions or reach, and engagement rate.

Website: total traffic, bounce rate, new customers, returning customers, time spent on site and traffic sources, as well as conversions.

Content marketing: blog traffic, amount of content shared, content downloads, qualified leads

through lead generation form and the progress of prospects throughout the sales funnel.

Video: impressions and total viewing time, followers, comments. etc

Sales: with direct sales, sales team response time, sales call volume, and sales call reviews

Revenue: how much revenue each channel generates the cost of that revenue, repeat sales, client turnover, and profits. 

SEO: organic traffic, average keyword rankings, keyword search volume, and 

Quality: Quality Score, reviews, and monthly recurring revenue.



Marketing strategy enables you to communicate your core value proposition effectively

and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

You can only sell your products or services by appealing to those most likely to buy those products and services.

Marketing strategy is a powerful way to target prospects in your niche or globally. 

The research required to create your marketing strategy helps you understand your prospects and customers

and enables you to deliver products and services people want.

However, you need to keep up with the many changes constantly occurring in the marketplace. 

With today’s digital information sources and availability, small businesses can

access hyper-detailed information about prospective customers.

You will be able to get other behavior like online activity, buying activity, video activity,

and if they get their information from phone apps or a laptop computer.


Marketing strategy helps you create, differentiate, position your brand,

and convert those leads into customers. It also helps maximize your return on investment and also helps minimize the sales cycle.

If you are iterated in growing your business and market share, a marketing strategy is a must-do and worth more than the time it takes.


You might want to check out these two articles for more information. What is a Business Strategy?

And How your  Value Proposition defines your website’s success.

Strategies For Competitive Markets


Strategies For Competitive Markets

Customers demand that businesses give them something new in our constantly changing world.


The way to do that is with innovative strategies. However, this results in releasing more than 30,000 unique products each year

—and about 95 percent fail, according to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen.  

At the same time, many businesses need help coping with a fiercely competitive marketplace

or need to rely more on current customers. Some are reluctant to make changes because of potential risks.

The solution to many of these problems is incremental innovation –

– rather than radical or disruptive innovation– to improve their value proposition continuously and, subsequently, their overall results.


What is incremental innovation?


Incremental innovation is a series of a company product or service improvements.

There are two basic types of innovation: incremental and radial. 

Incremental innovations are when companies make small changes to existing products

through incremental improvements to the business model to improve customer retention and marketing.

These developments also help improve efficiency, productivity, and competitive differentiation. 

Radical innovations transform the business model altogether. It transforms an existing system,

design, or invention into something new. These innovations can change parts of the system or the entire product process.

Radical innovators create an entirely new market for their products.  

However, only some products or procedures are brand-new ideas. Most new product

s are alterations or new applications of existing products, with some twist in design, function, portability, or use. 

For example, Apple didn’t invent the mobile phone but kept innovating it over the years.

Now it’s one of the world’s most profitable companies.


In a large study by McKinsey & Company, they were told by business leaders that many companies

were putting less emphasis on radical innovation and more focus on incremental innovation. 

These companies focus on improving their significant products, exploiting known opportunities, conserving cash, and minimizing risk.  

However, they concluded that more urgent actions are required in turbulent times. For example,

  1. Adapting their core products and service to meet changing custom

2. Identify and quickly respond to opportunities created by these market changes

3. Restart their innovative programs and allocate resources as needed

4. Develop products and services to be ready for post-crisis recovery.


 Examples of Innovation Strategies For Competitive Markets


Gillette had created and patented a unique razor handle and inexpensive replacement blades.

They upgraded the handles with innovations like pivoting heads. When the patented handle expired,

they replaced the expensive handle with a cheaper one and sold “improved,” more expensive blades.   

Coca-Cola has been innovating and staying relevant with line extensions for over 100 years.

For example, Cherry Coke, Coke with lime, and Diet Coke. They have remained relevant as trends change.  

Apple iPhone was introduced in 2007 with few features. Here are a few examples.

From small metal flip phones to glass with touchable features, from 3G to 5G to small phones to large,

multipurpose phones with cameras to thousands of apps so you can even do your banking on the phone, 


 Focus On Your Entire Business Model


Often, incremental innovations focus on the company’s specific product or service. This focus is fine,

but I suggest starting with your business model and examining every area within that model

— plus your competitor’s business model. Look at every value proposition of your offering, brand, and more.

Another strategy is to set up a schedule for each iteration. When implemented, you will have a period of exclusivity.

Then hit your competitors with another significant improvement.

When you have gone through your entire business model, your competitors will find it difficult to copy your value-price offering. 

Or look at improving just two or three areas and implement them.

Then come back and innovate another two or three areas several months later

and not only impress your customers but also drive your competitors crazy and make it hard for them to copy you.




Entrepreneurs work with two types of thinking. Linear thinking—sometimes called vertical thinking

—involves a logical, step-by-step process. In contrast, creative thinking is more often lateral,

in which established logical thought patterns are purposefully ignored or challenged. 

According to Wikipedia, lateral thinking indirectly solves problems using a creative

approach where the reasoning process is only sometimes obvious. It involves ideas that may take time to be noticeable. 

Lateral thinking involves ideas that may only be obtainable with a step-by-step approach.

It solves problems using an indirect method. Rather than going from A directly to B,

you start from a different place, not on the A to B road. 

You begin at location C, which is lateral (at an angle) to the A to B road.

This process causes your mind to think of new, different ways to reach your destination at B.

It is a powerful way to generate very creative ideas. You can learn more about lateral thinking

from Edward De Bonos’ book, “The use of lateral thinking,” or our blog on lateral thinking.

Edward De Bono also links lateral thinking to humor, where your mind has to switch from

a familiar pattern to an unexpected one that generates surprises and new insights.

This innovative thinking process is a powerful creative tool worth your time learning.  


 The Benefits of Incremental Innovation 


Instead of risking radical innovations, many companies are now pouring their development

budgets into incremental innovations. Also, many customers prefer upgraded products

over radical new products. This incremental strategy gives the company additional cash to work toward radical innovations.   

An incremental innovation strategy enables you to retain your market share by staying relevant.

But you also have to understand what your clients want. For example,  

 Incremental innovations allow you to stay ahead of your competition while taking negligible risks

and using limited financial resources. Customer satisfaction with your offering creates customer retention. 

Radical innovations are essential to an organization’s long-term strategy,

but short-term upgrades to existing products keep customers interested in your business.


If you keep the products you have now without keeping them up to date,

you could be in trouble as the economy and markets change in the future.




With our constantly changing economy and a competitive marketplace, the solution is

to develop an incremental innovation strategy. These small and often frequent changes help improve efficiency,

customer retention, and competitive differentiation. Apple is a perfect example of how to do it.  

When looking for areas to improve, be positive in your approach. Don’t focus on problems.

Focus on the opportunities that will result from your efforts. Also, broaden your perspective and use both vertical and lateral thinking skills.

The benefits from this incremental innovation can be powerful and include:

Staying relevant to your market, Improving your growth with minimal risk, and retaining clients longer.

Protect yourself from a changing economy and marketplace. Innovative Strategies For Competitive Markets


Steps To Create Incremental Innovations?


Step One: Start by studying your current customers and competitors. Include their business models.

Step Two: Look at all the modules in your business model. Don’t ask, “What’s wrong?”

Ask, “How can I make this module (product, price, performance, Etc.) better?

When you are looking for ideas, keep your questions positive. Focusing on the positive will result in positive answers. 

Step Three: Select a reachable, measurable objective and do the research needed to expand that objective. 

Step Four: Get several ideas for each module. The more modules you examine,

the stronger your innovation will be. Select which idea you will implement

(this may be challenging because you may only be able to execute some of your ideas simultaneously.

Step Five: Make sure you have the time and resources, test it, then iterate and try again.   

Cheers.    Jim Zitek

You should take a look at these blog posts also:

Innovative strategies that create revenues


Innovative Strategies For Competitive Markets


Innovative Strategies For Competitive Markets

Customers demand that businesses give them something new in our constantly changing world.


The way to do that is with innovative strategies. However, this results in releasing more than 30,000 unique products each year

—and about 95 percent fail, according to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen.  

At the same time, many businesses need help coping with a fiercely competitive marketplace

or need to rely more on current customers. Some are reluctant to make changes because of potential risks.

The solution to many of these problems is incremental innovation –

– rather than radical or disruptive innovation– to improve their value proposition continuously and, subsequently, their overall results.


What is incremental innovation?


Incremental innovation is a series of company product or service improvements.

There are two basic types of innovation: incremental and radial. 

Incremental innovations are when companies make small changes to existing products

through incremental improvements to the business model to improve customer retention and marketing.

These developments also help improve efficiency, productivity, and competitive differentiation. 

Radical innovations transform the business model altogether. It transforms an existing system,

design, or invention into something new. These innovations can change parts of the system or the entire production process.

Radical innovators create an entirely new market for their products.  

However, only some products or procedures are brand-new ideas. Most new product

s are alterations or new applications of existing products, with some twist in design, function, portability, or use. 

For example, Apple didn’t invent the mobile phone but kept innovating it over the years.

Now it’s one of the world’s most profitable companies.


In a large study by McKinsey & Company, they were told by business leaders that many companies

were putting less emphasis on radical innovation and more focus on incremental innovation. 

These companies focus on improving their significant products, exploiting known opportunities, conserving cash, and minimizing risk.  

However, they concluded that more urgent actions are required in turbulent times. For example,

  1. Adapting their core products and service to meet changing custom

2. Identify and quickly respond to opportunities created by these market changes

3. Restart their innovative programs and allocate resources as needed

4. Develop products and services to be ready for post-crisis recovery.


 Examples of Innovation Strategies For Competitive Markets


Gillette had created and patented a unique razor handle and inexpensive replacement blades.

They upgraded the handles with innovations like pivoting heads. When the patented handle expired,

hey replaced the expensive handle with a cheaper one and sold “improved,” more expensive blades.   

Coca-Cola has been innovating and staying relevant with line extensions for over 100 years.

For example, Cherry Coke, Coke with lime, and Diet Coke. They have remained relevant as trends change.  

Apple iPhone was introduced in 2007 with few features. Here are a few examples.

From small metal flip phones to glass with touchable features, from 3G to 5G to small phones to large,

multipurpose phones with cameras to thousands of apps so you can even do your banking on the phone, 


 Focus On Your Entire Business Model


Often, incremental innovations focus on the company’s specific product or service. This focus is fine,

but I suggest starting with your business model and examining every area within that model

— plus your competitor’s business model. Look at every value proposition of your offering, brand, and more.

Another strategy is to set up a schedule for each iteration. When implemented, you will have a period of exclusivity.

Then hit your competitors with another significant improvement.

When you have gone through your entire business model, your competitors will find it difficult to copy your value-price offering. 

Or look at improving just two or three areas and implement them.

Then come back and innovate another two or three areas several months later

and not only impress your customers but also drive your competitors crazy and make it hard for them to copy you.




Entrepreneurs work with two types of thinking. Linear thinking—sometimes called vertical thinking

—involves a logical, step-by-step process. In contrast, creative thinking is more often lateral,

in which established logical thought patterns are purposefully ignored or challenged. 

According to Wikipedia, lateral thinking indirectly solves problems using a creative

approach where the reasoning process is only sometimes obvious. It involves ideas that may take time to be noticeable. 

Lateral thinking involves ideas that may only be obtainable with a step-by-step approach.

It solves problems using an indirect method. Rather than going from A directly to B,

you start from a different place, not on the A to B road. 

You begin at location C, which is lateral (at an angle) to the A to B road.

This process causes your mind to think of new, different ways to reach your destination at B.

It is a powerful way to generate very creative ideas. You can learn more about lateral thinking

from Edward De Bonos’s book, “The Use of Lateral Thinking,” or our blog on lateral thinking.

Edward De Bono also links lateral thinking to humor, where your mind has to switch from

a familiar pattern to an unexpected one that generates surprises and new insights.

This innovative thinking process is a powerful creative tool worth your time learning.  


 The Benefits of Incremental Innovation 


Instead of risking radical innovations, many companies are now pouring their development

budgets into incremental innovations. Also, many customers prefer upgraded products

over radical new products. This incremental strategy gives the company additional cash to work toward radical innovations.   

An incremental innovation strategy enables you to retain your market share by staying relevant.

But you also have to understand what your clients want. For example,  

 Incremental innovations allow you to stay ahead of your competition while taking negligible risks

and using limited financial resources. Customer satisfaction with your offering creates customer retention. 

Radical innovations are essential to an organization’s long-term strategy,

but short-term upgrades to existing products keep customers interested in your business.


If you keep the products you have now without keeping them up to date,

you could be in trouble as the economy and markets change in the future.




With our constantly changing economy and a competitive marketplace, the solution is

to develop an incremental innovation strategy. These small and often frequent changes help improve efficiency,

customer retention, and competitive differentiation. Apple is a perfect example of how to do it.  

When looking for areas to improve, be positive in your approach. Don’t focus on problems.

Focus on the opportunities that will result from your efforts. Also, broaden your perspective and use both vertical and lateral thinking skills.

The benefits from this incremental innovation can be powerful and include:

Staying relevant to your market, Improving your growth with minimal risk, and retaining clients longer.

Protect yourself from a changing economy and marketplace. Innovative Strategies For Competitive Markets


Steps To Create Incremental Innovations?


Step One: Start by studying your current customers and competitors. Include their business models.

Step Two: Look at all the modules in your business model. Don’t ask, “What’s wrong?”

Ask, “How can I make this module (product, price, performance, Etc.) better?

When you are looking for ideas, keep your questions positive. Focusing on the positive will result in positive answers. 

Step Three: Select a reachable, measurable objective and do the research needed to expand that objective. 

Step Four: Get several ideas for each module. The more modules you examine,

the stronger your innovation will be. Select which idea you will implement

(this may be challenging because you may only be able to execute some of your ideas simultaneously.

Step Five: Make sure you have the time and resources, test it, then iterate and try again.   



Jim Zitek

Also, check  “How innovative strategies drive sales.” and “Want a creative solution to an unsolvable problem.”


                                   Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits           

              ClickVisor Program


Incremental Innovation For Competitive Markets

Incremental Innovation For Competitive Markets


In our constantly changing world, customers demand that businesses give them something new,

which results in the release of more than 30,000 unique products each year —and about 95 percent fail,

according to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen and (northeastern.edu)

At the same time, many businesses need help coping with a fiercely competitive marketplace

or need to rely more on current customers. Some are reluctant to make changes because of potential risks.

The solution to many of these problems is incremental innovation — rather than radical or disruptive innovation

— to improve their value proposition continuously and, subsequently, their overall results.


What is incremental innovation?


Incremental innovation is a series of improvements to a company’s existing products or services.

There are two basic types of innovation: incremental and radial.

Incremental innovations are when companies make small changes to existing products through incremental improvements

to the business model to improve customer retention and marketing.

These developments also help improve efficiency, productivity, and competitive differentiation.

Radical innovations transform the business model altogether.

It transforms an existing system, design, or invention into something new.

These innovations can change parts of the system or the entire production process.

Radical innovators create an entirely new market for their products.

However, only some products or procedures are brand-new ideas.

Most new products are alterations or new applications of existing products, with some twist in design, function, portability, or use.

For example, Apple didn’t invent the mobile phone but kept innovating it over the years.

Now it’s one of the world’s most profitable companies.


 In a large study by McKinsey & Company, they were told by business leaders that

many companies were putting less emphasis on radical innovation and more emphasis on incremental innovation.

These companies focus on improving their major products, reviewing known opportunities, conserving cash, and minimizing risk.

However, they concluded that more urgent actions must be taken in turbulent times. For example,

Adapting their core products and service to meet changing customer needs

Identify and quickly respond to opportunities created by these market changes

Restart their innovative programs and allocate resources as needed

Develop products and services to be ready for post-crisis recovery.


  What Are Some Examples of Incremental Innovation


Gillette had created and patented a unique razor handle and inexpensive replacement blades.

They upgraded the handles with innovations like pivoting heads. When the patented handle expired,

they replaced the expensive handle with a cheaper one and sold “improved,” more expensive blades.

Coca-Cola has been innovating and staying relevant with line extensions for over 100 years.

For example, Cherry Coke, Coke with lime, Diet Coke, Etc. They have managed to be relevant as trends change.

Apple iPhone was first introduced in 2007 with few features. Here are a few examples.

From small metal flip phones to glass with touchable features, from 3G to 5G to small phones

to large, multipurpose phones with cameras to thousands of apps so you can even do your banking on the phone.


Focus On Your Entire Business Model


Often, incremental innovations focus on the company’s specific product or service.

This focus is not a problem, but I suggest starting with your business model and examining every area within that model —

plus your competitor’s business model. Look at every value proposition of your offering, brand, and more.

Another strategy is to set up a schedule for each iteration. When implemented, you will have a period of exclusivity.

Then hit your competitors with another significant improvement.

When you have gone through your entire business model, your competitors will find it difficult to copy your value-price offering.

Or look at improving just two or three areas and implement them.

Then come back and innovate another two or three areas several months later and

not only impress your customers but also drive your competitors crazy and make it hard for them to copy you.




Entrepreneurs work with two types of thinking. Linear thinking—sometimes called vertical thinking—

involves a logical, step-by-step process. In contrast, creative thinking is more often lateral,

in which established logical thought patterns are purposefully ignored or challenged.

According to Wikipedia, lateral thinking is solving problems indirectly using a creative approach

where the reasoning process is only sometimes obvious. It involves ideas that may take time to be noticeable.

Lateral thinking involves ideas that may only be obtainable with a step-by-step approach.

It solves problems using an indirect method. Rather than going from A directly to B, you start from a different place, not on the A to B road.

You begin at location C, which is lateral (at an angle) to the A to B road.

This process causes your mind to think of new, different ways to reach your destination at B.

It is a powerful way to generate very creative ideas.

You can learn more about lateral thinking from Edward De Bono’s book, “The use of lateral thinking,”

or from our blog on lateral thinking.

Edward De Bono also links lateral thinking to humor, where your mind has to switch from

a familiar pattern to an unexpected one that generates surprises and new insights.

This innovative thinking process is a powerful creative tool worth your time learning.


 The Benefits of Incremental Innovation 


Instead of risking radical innovations, many companies are now pouring their development budgets

into incremental innovations. Also, many customers prefer upgraded products over radical new products.

This also provides the company with additional cash that allows them to work toward more radical innovations.

An incremental innovation strategy enables you to retain your market share

by staying relevant. But you also have to understand what your clients want. For example,

 Incremental innovations allow you to stay ahead of your competition while taking negligible risks and using limited financial resources.

Customer satisfaction with your offering creates customer retention.

Radical innovations are essential elements of an organization’s long-term strategy,

but short-term upgrades to existing products keep customers interested in your business.

If you keep the products you have now without keeping them up to date,

you could be in trouble as the economy and markets change in the future.




With our constantly changing economy and competitive marketplace,

the solution is to develop an incremental innovation strategy.

These small and often frequent changes help improve efficiency, customer retention, and competitive differentiation.

Apple is a perfect example of how to do it.

When looking for areas to improve, be positive in your approach. Don’t focus on problems.

Focus on the opportunities that will result from your efforts.

You get what you focus on. Also, broaden your perspective and use both vertical and lateral thinking skills.

The benefits from this incremental innovation can be powerful and include:

Staying relevant to your market.

Improving your growth with minimal risk.

Retaining clients longer.

Protecting yourself from a changing economy and marketplace

To get a substantial update, innovate two or three business model modules.

I would love to hear how it works out.

Steps To Create Incremental Innovations?


Step One: Start by studying your current customers and competitors. Include their business models.

Step Two: Look at all the modules in your business model. Don’t ask, “What’s wrong?”

Ask, “How can I make this module (product, price, performance, Etc.) better?

When you are looking for ideas, keep your questions positive. Focusing on the positive will result in positive answers. 

Step Three: Select a reachable, measurable objective and do the research needed to expand that objective. 

Step Four: Get several ideas for each module. The more modules you examine,

the stronger your innovation will be. Select which idea you will implement (this may be challenging

because you may only be able to execute some of your ideas simultaneously.

Step Five: Make sure you have the time and resources, test it, then iterate and try again.   






How Innovative Strategies Drive Sales

Innovative Strategies Make Sales

Why innovative strategies to drive sales are critical and how you can create one.


 The Situation 

  A constantly changing future 

According to research by McKinsey, more than 80 percent of CEOs at large U.S. firms believe

innovation is crucial for their company’s future success.

Yet, many of these organizations need an effective innovation strategy.

As technology advances, so too does the pace of change. Your industry doesn’t matter —

the choice is the same for all companies: you need innovative strategies to drive sales or get left behind. 

Unfortunately, many business leaders believe they have a strategy when what they have is a goal.

But, a goal without a strategy is simply a wish. To be successful, you need to turn your goal into a reachable and measurable objective.

And this objective could be –in descending order–a corporate, market, product, or marketing strategy. 

You need to identify the top one or two critical problems and the pivot points you can use to multiply your effectiveness.

Then focus and concentrate actions and resources against those pivot points.

To do this, you need a strategy that creates a pathway to show you how to achieve and maintain your goals in our rapidly changing environment.


What Is An Innovative Strategy?

A brief description and example.

An innovation growth strategy is a clearly-defined plan a person or team must perform to achieve

the company’s growth and future sustainable goals. While all innovation strategies are different,

they should outline the objective of your organization’s innovation activities to help you achieve your objective.  


The Harvard Business Review describes creating an innovation strategy as determining how innovation will create value

for potential customers and ways to capture that value. Plus, which types of innovation to pursue?

Product designs must evolve to stay competitive, and innovation strategies must evolve as the environment changes.

Good business innovation strategies must be simple, straightforward, and easily understood by all participants.

You want everyone on the same page. And if it is a product or marketing strategy, your innovation strategy must sync with your overall business strategy.

Suppose you maintain your traditional way of business because “that’s the way you have always done it,'”

sooner or later. In that case, that Strategy will have you in trouble.

Think Kodak and their inventions of digital photography or Blockbuster’s unwillingness to give up their retail stores and go to streaming.


 The Difference Between Tactics And Strategy  

These terms are not interchangeable.   

Strategy and tactics are very different, although they are often used interchangeably.

Strategies are solutions to problems (objectives) and refer to long-term objectives. Tactics refer to the specific actions required to achieve those objectives.


Three levels of Innovative Strategy

The process is the same, but the three levels must be coherent.

There are three levels of Strategy: Corporate, business (units), and functional (departments).

Corporate: Senior management determines the company’s mission and long-term performance.

They guide decisions about growth, acquisitions, diversification, and investments.

Business:  These strategies integrate into the corporate vision but focus on specific companies.

They focus on turning business objectives into Strategy and how the business will compete in the marketplace.

Functional. These strategies determine how the functional departments like production, marketing, R&D, H.R.,

and other departments will support the corporate and business Strategy.


The Key Elements Of Innovative Strategies That Drive Sales

The process of analyzing and creating a strategy


Strategies vary in depth and complexity depending on their objective. The following are the critical components of most strategies.

There are many different ways to analyze and create a strategy.

I am using a description and explanation from Professor Richard Rumelt’s book Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

that is easy to understand and use. They offer a simple understanding of a complex subject.  

It starts with a vision, aggressiveness, and key objective or problem.

Here, your purpose is to determine the key (not multiple) objectives that must be solved to meet your goal.  


Then you need to diagnose the problem or obstacle preventing success.

This research will be extensive and include many types of analysis, such as SWOT analysis,

market analysis, potential customer analysis, competitive analysis, industry analysis, and much more.


We cover more of these research techniques on our website and our online ClickVisor Program.

This step takes time, but it is critical and necessary. 


This analysis also includes trends, opportunities, and potential issues that will or could impact the market positively or negatively.

A few examples: Design (BMW), chain-link systems (Walmart), and anticipation (Toyota and hybrid technology).

Ignoring trends can be harmful also (Kodak).


Insight and Innovation. Analyses look backward from yesterday’s data, which is necessary.

But, you also have to look forward to where the diagnosis can lead to creativity, insight, and innovation to create a solution to the problem.

Our minds a wired for creativity, and there are many techniques to help create “out-of-the-box ideas.

We also cover these kinds of techniques in our ClickVisor program.


The Guiding policy. The guiding policy is the approach chosen to cope with or overcome the identified obstacles in the diagnosis.

It’s what the company will do and will not do because of limited resources (time, talent, and money).


Coherent actions. These are the coordinated actions required to carry out the guiding policy.  


Types of Innovation

Sustaining and disruption


What is sustaining and disruptive innovations? According to the Harvard Business Review, Business innovation can be sustained and disruptive.

Sustaining innovation continues to improve a company’s products, processes, and technologies within its existing market.  

Disruptive innovation is when a company introduces a revolutionary new product or service

or introduces a low-cost product or service with limited performance or limited capabilities and a much lower price. 

Or, the disruption can be aimed at a new market to gain new clients.

Think of Walmart creating a chain-link distribution system to market low-priced goods to small towns.

These innovative strategies to drive sales are essential considerations if you want to be more than just competitive.  


 How To Create A Business Model

What they are and how to use them


A business model lets you visualize the company’s components and overall concept.

Strategyzer.com’s famous business model canvas (template) includes nine elements:

customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships,

revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships & cost structure.

This illustration is a copy of Strategizer’s business model canvas.


In addition to the nine key components you control, it has four elements you do not control (competition, market, industry,

and government regulations). Still, it is equally crucial for strategists to consider.

Update regularly, or the company might miss future trends or challenges.  



Types Of Business Models

Following are a few more common models


There may be 50 or more different business models that companies use.

Many of which you already know. Following are a few to illustrate the variety of models.

E-Commerce or internet commerce is buying and selling goods or services using the internet.

Direct Sales involves selling a product directly to the consumer. That means there are no retail centers for companies that adopt this model. 

Subscription business models charge consumers a subscription fee to access a service.

The razor blade model sells an inexpensive yet durable product, below cost, to capture higher margin disposables over a long period.   

The Pay-as-you-go model is exactly as the name implies. You are pre-purchasing a certain amount of something, such as cell phone minutes,

and you are charged your actual usage at the end f the booing period. 

Freemium models give you a free product or service and charge for premium features or services.   

 Brokerage models connect buyers and sellers and help facilitate a transaction.

They charge a fee for each transaction to either the buyer or the seller, and sometimes both.


Business Model Innovations  

Here are a few ways to approach business model innovation.


You can achieve innovation through any nine business units,

like a new or improved product or improving your value proposition. 

Business models give you a visual concept of your business and enable you to imagine many different

ways to take the model apart and put it together differently and more effectively.  

Or if you have a problem in one area, like a product not performing, you can focus on that problem

and develop solutions and see how those would work within your business model.

Check out our blog post: Want a creative solution to an unsolvable problem?

With innovative strategies to drive sales, you will come up with different potential solutions

and will need to decide which possible solution is the best. 


Or, if you have a fiercely competitive market, you should examine each unit of your business model

to see how you add or eliminate parts to make that unit more effective or reduce costs or value to the entire business model. 

If you reimagine and innovate each unit, you will improve your value proposition

and make it difficult for your competitors to copy what you have accomplished.

Or, if your market growth is slowing, you may want to change your business model with different products or services

or expand your marketplace beyond the traditional industry or market to convert current non–buyers into new buyers.

Or, you can create a business model canvas for each of your competitors to see

where their strengths and weaknesses are –and if they change over time — so you can improve your position or anticipate future changes.

Net: you will need to create innovative strategies to drive sales.


  Innovative Strategy Benefits

Seven significant benefits of having an innovative strategy to drive sales.


To start, think about this: what if you took the opposite view?

How would you compete in the marketplace if you didn’t have a strategy?

You wouldn’t know where you stand or where you are going.

Answer: having a strategy is critical to a company’s success. Following are some of the benefits of having a strategy.

Creates A Competitive Advantage. An innovative strategy enables you to improve every aspect of your business model.

This Strategy allows you to maximize your resources, reduce unnecessary costs, improve your value proposition,

and create a competitive advantage that would be difficult for the competition to copy. 

 Improves Your Financial Success. A strategy requires you to review your costs and eliminate any unnecessary charges.

It also requires you to look for ways to enhance your offering, add premium pricing, create new offerings, or even enter new markets.

It enables You To Make Better Decisions. Because you are analyzing your current situation and creating a vision for the future,

you will use your experience and critical thinking skills and broaden your perceptions of the

company, industry, markets, products, and services. This type of analysis will enable you to make better decisions.    

It helps Build Your Brand. Because of all your work in preparing your Strategy,

you know who you are and who your audience is; you can create a distinctive and memorable brand.

Plan For Today And The Future. To create a strategy, you must identify the key steps to reach your goals.

This requires you to define and evaluate your company and your offering (value proposition’s) strengths and weaknesses

to determine what, if anything, has to improve or be eliminated.

It also helps you plan and allocate resources more efficiently and anticipate resource requirements

that will be needed in the future. You will have to challenge some entrenched assumptions to do this.

Improves Your Organization And Processes. A strategy helps you organize the company to support your values

and help you reach your goals. It can get your entire organization on board and focused on

helping execute the tasks needed to reach your goals. This focus is vital because the execution of your Strategy is as important

as the Strategy itself. Poor execution — rather than the Strategy — is a significant reason plans fail.

It gives Management Control and Reduces Risks. A strategy gives you control over

all activities that affect your goals and let you measure progress toward those goals.  




About 80 percent of companies believe strategies are essential, and many believe they have a strategy.

Unfortunately, few do. What they have are mission statements and goals.

But goals are wishes unless you have an innovative strategy to drive sales, so you have a pathway to achieving that goal.

An innovative strategy describes how the company will capture the new or additional value and which types of innovation to pursue.

There are also three innovative strategy levels: corporate, business, and functional (department responsibilities).

A business model canvas is a conceptual structure that explains the viability of the business

through the company’s essential nine components. Companies may use 50 or more different business models—

many of you already know- like E-commerce, subscription, and direct sales.

Business models are essential for both new and established businesses.

Also, you must update regularly, or the company could miss future trends or challenges.  


The way to approach business model innovation depends on the company’s situation.

Does it have a significant problem preventing it from achieving its objective, or does it need to break out of the competitive market,

or the company’s market is slowing down, and it needs to find new buyers?


There are seven significant benefits to having an innovative strategy.

It creates a competitive advantage, improves financial success, enables leadership to

make better decisions, helps build your brand plans for the future,

enhances the function of your organization and gives management better control, and reduces risk.


The First Five Steps To Your Business Strategy Journey.   


Go through the five steps below and begin to question and probe for answers to each question.

It will take some time to prepare an overview of how you will approach putting together your business plan.

Thistiewill be well spesnt. On the other hand, set a time limit for getting this done. Don’t delay all the benefits that result from a business strategy. 

Step One: Establish a plan to keep up with the constant pace of change in your marketplace. Involve your team.

If you have three people, you will get three different answers to the questions and other responses to future suggestive ideas.

It would be best if everyone were on the same page when you executed your proposed strategy.   

Step Two: Determine the overall objective of your future strategy. How aggressive do you want to be?

Do you have a specific problem to solve or an opportunity you want to achieve?

Are you looking for an incremental or radical program?

Step Three: Go through the first three steps in creating your strategy: define your objective

– which has to be the most critical objective, –it has to be achievable and measurable.

Then, diagnose the problem/opportunity– you only need information that helps you solve the problem, not an encyclopedia.   

Step Four: Determining your general policy. This step is difficult because it means saying no often.

After all, you have a concept you want to implement and limited time, talent, and money to do everything,

so saying no to additional ideas is challenging. Then, put your plan together on how you will execute this strategy.

Step Five: Monitor and measure the results of your programs and adjust as often as necessary.

This strategy program is a work in progress, so there will be many starts, stops, and rewrites.

Try out some strategy ideas, and let me know how they worked out for you.

Jim Zitek

Innovative Strategies Make Sales


Strategies Make Your Marketing More Effective

Growing pot of flowers demonstrates how strategies generate results

Want To Make Your Marketing More Effective?

Close the efficiency gap between strategy and marketing 

Reaching revenue goals, for most companies, is very difficult. According to Reflektive.com, 90 percent of companies do not meet their goals. Why?

They do not have an effective business growth strategy.

There is often a gap, difference, or disconnect between the business growth strategy and the company’s marketing messages.

They are often not identical. Consequently, this gap damages sales and marketing results.

To close that gap, you must first create business growth strategies to generate revenues.

Why? Because your business strategy is your story. Marketing is how you tell that story. 


A strategy looks simple when you look back at it.

Here are a couple of examples:

BMW designs, engineers, builds, and sells “The Ultimate Driving Machine” (for that unique slice of the upscale car market).

Walmart: “Save Money. Live Better.” They created a strategy to chain-link an operating system

to get the population density needed to serve small towns with brand choices and lower prices in larger city stores like K-Mart.  

Netflix: “See What’s Next” anticipated the power of cloud computing and its ability to reach individual computers and individuals.

They pivoted from a disc rental company and created a new video-streaming strategy for the world’s homes and businesses.


Today, business growth strategies must generate more revenues.

Market boundaries do not have to stay permanent. 

Most business leaders accept market boundaries and industry conditions are fixed.

The assumption is that it’s always been that way.

Therefore, you must strategically choose between differentiation OR low cost to succeed.

But you can’t do both: add value AND lower costs.

This belief hurts product and market innovation for companies in very competitive markets.

We have learned from professors and strategists like Richard Rumelt’s Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

to rule breakers like Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne‘s insightful Blue Ocean that this belief is false.

You need to be more creative.

What is true is that strategies have been crippled by believing this value–cost trade-off rule is impossible.

Consequently, this viewpoint narrows your perspective and limits your potential product and market opportunities.

We are not just talking about creating disruptive technologies.

We are talking about competing in very competitive markets.


You can shape your market boundaries.

Innovative strategies enable you to create your own boundaries to generate revenues.

You can shape your market boundaries and target customers,

creating differentiation (more value) and lower costs. Here are a few examples:

Southwest Airlines broke the industry “hub and spoke” model and flew direct routes to smaller airports.

They have been the only consistently profitable U.S. airline since its inception.  

Apple broke the industrial computer market by introducing a beautiful, easy-to-use computer for individual consumers.

That worked pretty well.

CitizenM Hotel created a “five-star hotel” experience with four-star prices

by eliminating the things “five-star” customers didn’t care about,

like lobby check-ins and a concierge service.

And then added in items they did care about,

like King size beds, better mattresses, cotton sheets, and better pillows.

As a result, customers told their friends, and the hotels became an instant success.


Disruptive technologies’ successes often go viral.

More money is made from adapting those technologies

New technology is important and disruptive technology is and should be well rewarded.

But history shows that “big” money comes from applying technology and creating new strategies and markets.

Some popular examples from the New York Stock Exchange are

Apple, Google, FaceBook (Meta now), Airbnb, and others exploited the new technologies. 

Therefore, if you have an open mind and a broad perspective, you can change how you see opportunities.

You can go from fighting fierce competition to creating a bigger market.

A market consisting of current buyers and previously ignored nonbuyers

who become buyers because of your unique, new business growth strategy.


  Are you tired of constantly fighting your competition?

Take your company to the next level with an insightful strategy.

If you are willing to entertain new ideas and are committed to involving your team, you can make it happen.

 Getting started on your insightful new business growth strategy could put you ahead of your competition.

About 70% of companies say they have a strategy, but only a few have an actual strategy.

The problem is their definition of strategy is goals or a mission statement.

Goals are mostly wishes without a strategic plan on how to achieve them.


Unfortunately, only 15% have real, achievable, measurable, specific strategies.

And of these companies with real strategies, about 40% still miss achieving their objective. Why?

Not because of the strategy but because the execution of the strategy is often neglected for many different reasons.

So, having a strategy AND executing it are important.

Also, because execution takes time, it can lose its priority. Success takes a long-term “team” effort.

On the positive side, if the team is included in the process,

they will become more excited as the execution becomes more and more of a reality.


You will be ahead of most of your competitors just by starting your journey toward an effective business growth strategy.

Looking forward can seem daunting at first.

But, once you see your strategy, if done right, looking backward, the strategy looks simple and easy.

Even though the world is getting more complex and seems to be moving faster, we can help make it as easy and effective as possible.

If you have an open mind and broaden your perspective,

you can shape your marketing boundaries by creating differentiation AND low cost.



Why Business Growth Strategies Generate Revenues

Want To Make Your Marketing More Effective?

Close the efficiency gap between strategy and marketing 

Reaching revenue goals, for most companies, is very difficult. According to Reflektive.com, 90 percent of companies do not meet their goals. Why?

They do not have an effective business growth strategy.

There is often a gap, difference, or disconnect between the business growth strategy and the company’s marketing messages.

They are often not identical. Consequently, this gap damages sales and marketing results.

To close that gap, you must first create business growth strategies to generate revenues.

Why? Because your business strategy is your story. Marketing is how you tell that story. 


A strategy looks simple when you look back at it.

Here are a couple of examples:

BMW designs, engineers, builds, and sells “The Ultimate Driving Machine” (for that unique slice of the upscale car market).

Walmart: “Save Money. Live Better.” They created a strategy to chain-link an operating system

to get the population density needed to serve small towns with brand choices and lower prices in larger city stores like K-Mart.  

Netflix: “See What’s Next” anticipated the power of cloud computing and its ability to reach individual computers and individuals.

They pivoted from a disc rental company and created a new video-streaming strategy for the world’s homes and businesses.


Today, business growth strategies must generate more revenues.

Market boundaries do not have to stay permanent. 

Most business leaders accept market boundaries and industry conditions are fixed.

The assumption is that it’s always been that way.

Therefore, you must strategically choose between differentiation OR low cost to succeed.

But you can’t do both: add value AND lower costs.

This belief hurts product and market innovation for companies in very competitive markets.

We have learned from professors and strategists like Richard Rumelt’s Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

to rule breakers like Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne‘s insightful Blue Ocean that this belief is false.

You just need to be more creative.

What is true is that strategies have been crippled by believing this value–cost trade-off rule is impossible.

Consequently, this viewpoint narrows your perspective and limits your potential product and market opportunities.

We are not just talking about creating disruptive technologies.

We are talking about competing in very competitive markets.


You can shape your market boundaries.

Innovative strategies enable you to create your own boundaries to generate revenues.

You can shape your market boundaries and target customers,

creating differentiation (more value) and lower costs. Here are a few examples:

Southwest Airlines broke the industry “hub and spoke” model and flew direct routes to smaller airports.

They have been the only consistently profitable U.S. airline since its inception.  

Apple broke the industrial computer market by introducing a beautiful, easy-to-use computer for individual consumers.

That worked pretty well.

CitizenM Hotel created a “five-star hotel” experience with four-star prices

by eliminating the things “five-star” customers didn’t care about,

like lobby check-ins and a concierge service.

And then added in items they did care about,

like King size beds, better mattresses, cotton sheets, and better pillows.

As a result, customers told their friends, and the hotels became an instant success.


Disruptive technologies’ successes often go viral.

More money is made from adapting those technologies

New technology is important and disruptive technology is and should be well rewarded.

But history shows that “big” money comes from applying technology and creating new strategies and markets.

Some popular examples from the New York Stock Exchange are

Apple, Google, FaceBook (Meta now), Airbnb, and others exploited the new technologies. 

Therefore, if you have an open mind and a broad perspective, you can change how you see opportunities.

You can go from fighting fierce competition to creating a bigger market.

A market consisting of current buyers and previously ignored nonbuyers

who become buyers because of your unique, new business growth strategy.


  Are you tired of constantly fighting your competition?

Take your company to the next level with an insightful strategy.

If you are willing to entertain new ideas and are committed to involving your team, you can make it happen.

 Getting started on your insightful new business growth strategy could put you ahead of your competition.

About 70% of companies say they have a strategy, but only a few have an actual strategy.

The problem is their definition of strategy is goals or a mission statement.

Goals are mostly wishes without a strategic plan on how to achieve them.


Unfortunately, only 15% have real, achievable, measurable, specific strategies.

And of these companies with real strategies, about 40% still miss achieving their objective. Why?

Not because of the strategy but because the execution of the strategy is often neglected for many different reasons.

So, having a strategy AND executing it is important.

Also, because execution takes time, it can lose its priority. Success takes a long-term “team” effort.

On the positive side, if the team is included in the process,

they will become more excited as the execution becomes more and more of a reality.


How you can generate revenues and make your competition irrelevant.

Join our ClickViser program. We’ll help you step-by-step reach your objectives.

Join our “ClickVisor” program. This program was created to help you regardless of the stage your company is currently at,

from an entrepreneur to an established business. It gives you the information you need to create and develop each stage of your business growth strategy.

The stages follow this pattern:

Start by identifying the ONE, most important problem preventing you from your objective or opportunity.

Then research and diagnose the situation until you get that insightful solution.

Then, because everyone has limited resources (time, skills, money, etc.), deciding what the company will do and will not do, is based on your strategy.

And finally, define the coherent plan of action required to reach your objective. 


You can look for an innovative strategy solution within your industry and markets.

Or depending on market growth rates and/or competition, you can

look at your objective across industries and markets to include expanded markets

and current non-customers (future customers), which is often thought of as a Blue Ocean Strategy.


Three ways to create your business growth strategy and story.

From Do-It-Yourself to We’ll help you do it.

Everyone is pressed for time and needs a flexible schedule. Our job is to help you

get an innovative and effective business growth strategy –at an affordable price — that will help you reach your objective.

You can do that through the following three programs.

Option One: Use our ClickVisor  Coach Program.

This online digital program can be accessed at any time you have time.

The information is divided into modules: strategy, execution, marketing strategy, etc.

so you can get the information you need when you need it.

It also includes free email so you can ask questions.

Option two: The ClickVisor Advisor Program

This program includes the ClickViser Coach program plus telephone or Zoom calls.

We are only a phone call away if you have questions or need charity about a unique issue.

 There is an additional charge for this based on the time used.

Option Three: our Consulting Program.

The Consultanting Program includes programs one and two,

plus one-on-one sessions to help you through the entire strategy creation process.

This customized program is set up together. If this program interests you,

we will need to set up a phone appointment to discuss what needs to be done.


You will be ahead of most of your competitors just by starting your journey toward an effective business growth strategy.

Looking forward can seem daunting at first.

But, once you see your strategy, if done right, looking backward, the strategy looks simple and easy.

Even though the world is getting more complex and seems to be moving faster, we can help make it as easy and effective as possible.

If you have an open mind and broaden your perspective,

you can shape your marketing boundaries by creating differentiation AND low cost.


Join one of our ClickVisor Programs to get the critical information you need

to create your own business growth strategy and make your competitors irrelevant.

Remember, your strategy is your story, and marketing is how you tell that story,

Thanks for your time,

Jim Zitek

P.S. For more information, check out the blog post “Why your business growth strategy is your story.”

P.P.S. Also, look at “Innovative strategies for revenue growth: exploit market changes.”


How To Get Better Reults In Less Time

How To Get Significantly Better Results In Less Time

No one has enough time, especially business executives.

We always try to do more, learn more, and produce more. 

But there are only 1,440 minutes in a day, and no one gets more time, no matter who they are. 

But there are ways to get much more done and get better results if you know how to use your time correctly.

The following is from author and entrepreneur Kevin Kruse’s book, “Leaders Have No Rules.”


Start by asking yourself these questions.  

What do I love doing? 

What is my expertise? 

What do I hate doing? 

What do I do that isn’t a priority? 

Here is the first step if your goal is increased productivity and faster, better results. 

Get rid of the jobs you hate to do and those that are not a priority. 

If you hate doing them, you are probably not very good at them either. 

Plus, they take more time than they should. Time is not a renewable resource. 

Maybe someone in the company loves that kind of work and would be happy to do it. 

If not, hire someone from the outside to do it. That’s probably less expensive than you doing it. 

You have just saved time and used it on higher-priority projects like driving revenues and profits. 

Wait, there is another way to use your time more effectively. 

What if you closed your office door, turned your phone and email off, and told people not to disturb you for three or four hours? 

The result would be no interruptions, no time for meanless chit-chat, no distractions from emails that were not critical, and more.

Imagine four hours free of disruption –every day –what you could accomplish with that much extra time.?

I’ll bet significantly more than twice as much.


Now, you can focus on the priority jobs where you have the expertise. 

That’s how you become an exceptional leader that gets better results in less time.  

Jim Zitek

Harbor Capital Group

It is a short week, so I kept this short