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Why Lateral Thinking Unlocks Creativity To Solve Complex Problems

Lateral thinking is a creative method that approaches problems indirectly to solve a problem rather than following the standard step-by-step approach. Lateral thinking can help solve complex problems because it encourages you to:

Break free from established patterns: Lateral thinking entails re-examining assumptions and looking for hidden constraints that may limit potential solutions. By challenging what is typically “taken for granted,” new possibilities can emerge.

Combine disparate ideas: Traditional thinking follows a sequential path based on past experiences or well-known strategies. Lateral thinking invites you to explore unusual connections, blending ideas from different fields or contexts. Blending ideas can spark innovative answers that might be overlooked when working strictly within conventional boundaries.

Reframe the question: Sometimes, how a problem is formulated can limit the solutions you see. By using lateral thinking, you can reframe the question—asking, for example, “Why are we approaching this from that angle?” Reframing can open the door to various potential solutions or fresh directions.

Encourage open-mindedness: Lateral thinking makes space for “mistakes” or “wild” suggestions that might initially seem unfeasible. Even when these ideas are not workable, they can lead to unexpected insights or help refine more practical solutions.

Foster a creative mindset: Problem-solving often improves when you allow free exploration without immediately dismissing unconventional approaches. Lateral thinking methods—like brainstorming, mind-mapping, or asking provocative questions—cultivate that creative mindset, ensuring that a broader range of angles are considered.

Using lateral thinking techniques in addition to vertical thinking techniques helps you overcome rigid mental frameworks, spot new solutions, and tackle complex problems more effectively.

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 Cheers,  Jim Zitek

I help B2B companies create their unique competitive advantage.