• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

How To Get Significantly Better Results In Less Time  

How To Get Significantly Better Results In Less Time  


Get Better Results In Less Time

No one has enough time, especially business executives. 

We always try to do more, learn more, and produce more. 

But there are only 1,440 minutes in a day, and no one gets more time, no matter who they are. 

But there are ways to get much more done and better if you know how to use your time correctly.

Start by asking yourself these questions.  

What do I love doing? 

What is my expertise? 

What do I hate doing? 

What do I do that isn’t a priority? 

Here is the first step if your goal is increased productivity and faster results. 

Get rid of the jobs you hate to do and those that are not a priority. 

If you hate doing them, you are probably not very good at them either. 

Plus, they take more time than they should. Time is not a renewable resource. 

Maybe someone in the company loves that kind of work and would be happy to do it. 

If not, hire someone from the outside to do it. That’s probably less expensive than you doing it. 

You have just saved time and used it on higher priority projects like driving revenues and profits. 

Wait, there is another way to use your time more effectively. 

What if you closed your office door, turned your phone and email off, and told people not to disturb you for three or four hours. 

The result would be no interruptions, no time-sucking chit-chat, no distractions from emails that were not critical, and more.

Imagine four hours free of disruption –every day –what you could accomplish with that much extra time. 

I’ll bet significantly more than twice as much.


Now, you can focus on the priority jobs where you have the expertise. 

That’s how you become an exceptional leader that gets results.  

Jim Zitek

Harbor Capital Group

P.S. Check out our website for more information on how to get results

P. P.S.It’s a short week so I made this short to save you time 🙂




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