Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

Increase Revenues

Create Innovative Strategies That Deliver Continuous Revenues

Developing a successful startup from scratch, as you know, is very difficult. The first reason for
failure (42%) is failure to reach product-market fit. Without it, you can’t generate revenues. The
second reason for failure is running out of funds (29%). You can avoid both of these problems
with innovative strategies that deliver continuous revenues.

Harbor Capital Group has the information and tools you need to achieve both of these
objectives. Our ClickVision program will show you how to create a strategy (an objective and a
way to achieve that objective) that quickly gets you to product-market fit and initial revenues
from innovators and early adopters who are eager to buy your product or service.

Once your revenues are underway, this program will show you how to create strategies that
generate continuous revenues from the mainstream market.
Plus, you have three ways to implement these programs depending on your preferences. 

How Do You Get To Product-Market Fit Quickly?

It begins with “why” you are passionate and committed to developing this business. There is an important story here, and according to Simon Sinek and his book, “Start With Why,” this passion and belief transfer to others and helps build loyalty. People buy on emotion and justify their decisions with logic.

Next, validate the problem — with facts, not opinions. Our ClickVisor program will show you how to do this. Is the problem you want to solve a real problem and painful enough that prospects want it solved? How do they want it solved? And how much they are paying now to solve or mitigate this problem (in time, money, etc.)?

With the problem verified, you can define your business objective. And based on that objective, you can create a strategy that will give you the roadmap to success.

Create Your Strategy Roadmap

The best definition of strategy is from Richard Rumelt, author and professor at UCLA. Who explains that strategy has three parts. Based on the objective, you diagnose the problem in-depth and develop an insight into the solution. Then, define the general policy or how you plan to achieve your objective– for example, we will do this, but not that. Finally, you will define a specific action plan to implement the program. Rumelt calls this three-part process the Kernel of a strategy or the minimum information you need to create and design a strategy.

The ClickVisor program will explain how to create a strategy and how to leverage your strategy to create a longer-term competitive advantage.

During the diagnosis phase, you will look at a lot of information. Most people tend to gather too much information. We have been told since kindergarten that depth of knowledge will lead to insights. It can happen that way, but the truth is that analysis is excellent but not sufficient. You also need creative thinking.

How Do You Get Those Special Market And Product Insights You Need?

To get the “insights,” you need to create the perfect solution and set your product or service apart from your competitors; you will also need some critical thinking, creative problem-solving, plus design thinking. Edward De Bono, author, and teacher defines design thinking as a thinking process that disrupts the regular thinking pattern (from ‘what is’ to ‘what can be’).

This way of thinking is not difficult to understand or use; it works the way the mind works. Our ClickVisor program has more than 20 different techniques you can use to generate hundreds of new ideas — many of them in minutes. You still have to determine which ideas are applicable and executable. Most people find they like a couple of the techniques and use them over and over.  

Now You Are Ready To Create Your Marketing Strategy

Now it’s time to establish your marketing objectives and strategy (again, your objective and how you will achieve it). There are a lot of outbound tools like direct mail, advertising, publicity, and more. There are also inbound tools (like content marketing) and direct sales.

Whatever tools you use, they must be in sync with your overall strategy. You do not have the time or money to do them all, so just spreading your time and money around will make you less rather than more productive.

You need to focus on one or two options and execute them. According to Seth Godin, author of 19 books and a marketing expert, you are looking to get attention and create trust with the people who need and want your product or service; you are not simply trying to get reach. That’s how you start building a brand. Marketing today uses primarily digital tools that can be changed, modified, increased or decreased at any time.

You need to monitor your results so you can constantly test to determine how you can improve your results. That’s how you can get continuously growing revenues. Harbor has the information and tools you need to be a successful marketer.

Three Ways To Get Continuous Revenue Growth

● One: Subscribe to our low-cost, ClickVisor internet platform to get the information
and tools you need to learn how to get to product-market fit quickly and continuous
revenue growth. Plus, free email for any questions you might have.
● Two: with your subscription to ClkickVisor, you can also set up phone or zoom calls
with questions or issues that need discussion. There is a charge for this with a minimum
of 15 minutes.
● Three: If you are too busy to do some or all of this work yourself, we can do it for you.
From strategy sessions to creative innovation techniques to websites to writing blogs to
digital marketing. Whatever your marketing program needs.

Let’s talk

If you are serious about getting to product-market fit and early revenues but would like more information or discuss how this program might apply to your business, email me here with any questions or with a schedule of when you would be available for a phone call.

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