Innovative Strategies That Create More Profitssasasa


Transforming Challenges into Opportunities:
The Power of Business and Marketing Strategies
  • Competition in today’s global economy is more intense and challenging than ever. We are experiencing rapidly changing technology and more demanding consumer preferences. rising prices, and a highly interconnected world. To thrive in today’s economy, you need to transform these challenges into opportunities.

To prosper and grow today, you need to create a business strategy (your story) and a marketing strategy (how you tell that story), and then integrate them into one overall strategy for an effective, powerful result.

Here are some reasons why your integrated business and marketing strategies deliver huge results.

Integrated strategies

  1. Tell your story from your value proposition to the mind of your prospects. 
  2. Focus extensively on your target audience for a deeper understanding 3.
  3. Strategies that will unlock your competitive advantage 
  4. Deliver effective ways to achieve Brand consistency. Maximize resource allocations
  5. Offer an important feedback loop
  6. Optimize the customer journey
  7. Offer adaptability to market changes.


Want help transforming your challenges into opportunities?

Navigating this landscape requires expertise, vision, and a well-crafted roadmap. This is where I can help. I have three ways you can get the exact help you want.

  •  One is ClickVisor, an internet platform where you can get the information you need anytime, anywhere. 

  • Second is the Workshop program, which focuses on specific, individual subjects or issues.  

  • The Third is working with you as a help you solve a difficult problem so you can move forward or an innovative strategy that helps you create more revenues and profits

The economy is increasingly based on integrated value – where the product or service needs to fit the customer’s needs, wants, and lifestyle. In other words, being competitive is only the baseline and may not be good enough to survive long-term.

The process of innovating strategies that solve problems and create more revenues and profits.

Navigating this landscape requires expertise, vision, and a well-crafted roadmap. That is where I can help you create strategies that create products and services that meet customers’ needs and wants but are also uniquely designed to meet their lifestyles.

Today you have to be the leader in your market niche. The way to do that is to create a “value monopoly” for your product or service by making it different and integrating it into the customer’s lifestyle.
In addition, you need a marketing strategy that gets your marketing message into the buyer’s mind where the buying decision is made. These strategies are designed to deliver your message or story where the buying decision is made– in the buyer’s mind, not on a store shelf or in a catalog.

There are several methods or platforms I use to create these strategies. Which one depends on your problem or issue. They vary of course, by the kind of problem, like moving ahead of a competitor, solving a difficult problem, dealing with a slow-growing market, updating your current strategy, etc. 

The exact process depends on the specific issue. The most common process is the one developed by Professor Richard Rumelt several years ago. The overall concept can be explained simply, and I will spell it out here to give you an idea of the process. There are six steps.

Following is a very brief description of my
overall process to get results.

This basic process works for both your business strategy and your marketing strategy. Of course, the elements differ depending on the problem or issue, etc. But it will give you a quick, basic idea of how to get to an effective strategy and execution plan.

Step One

What is the number one objective that must be accomplished to achieve that goal? I work with you to turn your goal into a single, defined objective that is reachable and measurable. The team members must agree that the objective is the most critical task. If not, the implementation of any program will be questionable.


Step Two

Research is necessary to understand where the company is now and why this obstacle has prevented it from resolving this problem. It’s essential to change your perspective on research. I prefer this research to be done like a doctor examining a problem. The doctor looks at some numbers but then asks if this could cause the problem or what about this. Eventually, a diagnosis is determined that is usually correct.

Diagnosing the objective –problem or opportunity — based on experience, the business model, current methods, analytics, critical thinking, different perspectives, and more. This different mindset is more fruitful than just looking at descriptions and analytics.

Step Three

Using our diagnoses, we can apply creative thinking techniques –and there are lots of them- to come up with many insights, concepts, and innovative ideas to solve the problem and move toward our objective. Here are just a few examples:

● New and different solutions.
● Creating differentiation and positioning to rise above the competition.
● Finding ways to integrate your product or service value into the consumer’s lifestyle.
● A targeted value proposition that sticks in the prospect’s mind when the buying decisions are made. The goal is to own a piece of “real estate” in the buyers’ minds so they don’t have to think about what Brand to buy.

Step Four

Management then decides which of the concepts and ideas generated will be used to create the company’s strategy. This idea and vision will be used to determine the general policy.

The General policy defines what the company will do and will not do. Several ideas generated could be used. Determining the general policy is challenging because you can only execute a few of the ideas generated. So you have to say no a lot. Every company only has a certain amount of time, money, and talent to do everything.

Step Five

Now you are ready to create your marketing strategy and a coherent plan of action to implement your strategy. You approached this task the same way you approached steps one through four: Objective, diagnosis, insight, solution, and execution. And again, you will have many programs and channels to use and decisions to make. You will use many programs, techniques, tools, and media to market your “story” and get it implanted into the minds of your prospects

Step Six

Constantly follow up on your cohesive marketing plan to measure performance against your objective. Measuring and evaluating marketing programs is essential for understanding their effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement.

Businesses can gain valuable insights to optimize their marketing strategies by implementing the right metrics and evaluation methods. Here are some critical steps to measure and evaluate marketing programs for continuous improvement.

Some measures include tracking and analyzing data, A/B testing, and customer feedback. Also, remember that measurement and evaluation should be ongoing, allowing you to adapt and optimize your marketing strategies in an ever-changing business landscape.

Are Your Business and Marketing Strategies
Meeting Your Objectives?

If not. I can help you solve the problem holding you back from meeting your goals and improving your company’s performance. Strategies provide a clear and focused roadmap that aligns your efforts, leverages Comprehensive analysis, tailors approaches, and embraces flexibility so you can respond to future market changes if necessary. Also, email me the questions you want to consider before starting your strategy program.

Let's talk. Call me at 612-978-7222 or email me with a date and time you would be available for a short discussion. Also, let me know if you have any questions.