• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

Elements of A Pitch Deck

Elements of A Pitch Deck

The following is a basic, generic pitch deck. You will need to modify it to fit your company, product or service, and situation.

Slide One: Name. Logo, contact information, and web site. You can add a tag line.

Slide Two: Company Overview: create the context or frame for the company and what the company does (why you exist)

Slide Three: What problem do you solve.  How big is the problem? How does customer benefit? Your competition (direct or indirect competitors)

Slide Four:  Product/Service (photo of product). Describe but cannot be more than 25% of the presentation, Barrier to entry (clinical studies, trade secrets, patents. Special knowledge, etc.). Your industry connections( advisors)

Slide Five: Business model. How do you make money? Revenue model and benefits. What stage are you at now. Are you ready to scale? Where are you going?  When will you be breakeven?

Revenue Model (separate slide) Breakdown of 5-year proform. Amount of funds raised and the amount needed to scale business, and where that will get you.

Slide Six: Market: Total market, addressable market, initial target market. Future markets. How you will get, keep and grow customers in these markets.

Slide Seven: Future milestones like optimization of the e-Commerce web site, new products, key relationships with partners. Include any risks you see and how you will handle them

Slide Eight: Core Team. Include pictures so they can see you. Highlight education, experience, Mention how the team will expand.

Slide Nine: Exit Strategy. Investors want their money in 3-7 years. How will they get it? Sell to major company or enormous VC fund, or one of your partners and when (revenue size, development stage, competition, etc. )could use examples.

Slide Ten: The Offer. Looking to raise $X million for X% of the company, type of stock or bond, $XXk minimum investment.

Slide Eleven: Summary. Thanks for the opportunity. I hope you will help us (extend and save lives). Any Questions?

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