Competitive Advantage significantly impacts your success, long-term profitability, and viability. But, about 80% of people believe they are not creative. Why?
Schools focus on vertical or analytical Thinking, which optimizes known knowledge rather than diverging into new possibilities.
Lateral Thinking moves beyond vertical Thinking and analysis and creates new ideas by disrupting the way the mind works. Some people you know who use Lateral Thinking are Steve Jobs (Apple), Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX), and Richard Branson (Virgin Group), who have applied this technique to revolutionize their industries.
Edward De Bono created lateral Thinking in the 1960s, a more productive approach to generating new ideas. In addition to vertical Thinking, lateral thinking techniques encourage breaking assumptions, making unusual connections, and embracing uncertainty, all essential for generating new ideas.
Combining analytical thinking (optimizing existing solutions) and lateral Thinking (creating new, innovative ideas, concepts, and innovations) is crucial to creating a competitive advantage.
If you want to create a competitive advantage and move your company to new heights, check out my website— and blog posts for more information.
Feel free to share your comments, insights, or questions. I would love to hear them. We’ll all learn from one another.
Jim Zitek
I help companies create their competitive advantage.