• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

Is Brainstorming the Answer to Idea Generation?

Is Brainstorming the Answer to Idea Generation?

Brainstorming is one of many creative techniques for solving problems and generating new ideas to help your company grow. You can quickly invite a diverse group of employees to a meeting and ask them to generate ways to meet a specific objective.

Brainstorming can be a quick and inexpensive way to create new ideas. 3M company used it to create Post-it notes after the initial research failed.

If you encourage everyone to participate, brainstorming can quickly generate many ideas. Additional sessions can then be held to identify the most promising ideas.
However, to generate many ideas -good and bad- you need to suspend criticism and judgments to get people to participate.

There are some downside issues as well. First, remember you are after quantity rather than quality. Also, some participants overshadow others, and based on rank, that could be a problem. It could reduce the volume and selection of ideas generated.

In today’s fast-paced business economy, generating fresh, innovative ideas is crucial for creating and maintaining a Competitive Advantage. Brainstorming can be a powerful creative technique that can unlock the innovative potential of individuals and teams.

As with any new product or service idea, it’s still crucial to conceptualize and test the potential of brainstormed concepts before committing to a budget for their design and implementation.

Cheers, Jim Zitek

I help companies create their competitive advantage

If you have any comments or questions, please send them to me at jzitek@harborcapitalgroupinc.com. Thanks.

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