• Innovative Strategies That Create More Profits

Why Is a Broad Perception Critical For Creativity, and Decision Making.

Why Is a Broad Perception Critical For Creativity, and Decision Making.

A cloud of insight


A cloud of insight 

A broader perception is indeed critical for understanding, creativity, and decision-making, and

the reasons why it’s often overlooked in education are complex and multifaceted.

To visualize different perspectives, I have a great story from one of Edward De Bono’s books on Thinking.

It demonstrates why you need to go beyond the obvious. A group of young boys are standing around, and they decide

to tease Billy once again. So they show Billy two coins, a large one worth a dollar and a small one worth two dollars,

and tell him to pick one. He picks the large one, and the group laughs and has a good time at Billy’s expense.

So anytime the boys need a good laugh, they offer Billy the same two options. He keeps picking the

large coin, to their delight. One day, an older man sees what happened and says to Bily, you picked the wrong coin;

the smaller one is worth twice as much as the larger one. Billy says, “I know that. But, if I picked the small coin,

they would never keep coming back again and again to give me money/” Your perspective can make a big difference.


 Here’s Why a Broader Perspective Matters


Breaking free from the box: Broadening your perception exposes you to new ideas, challenges assumptions,

and fuels your imagination. This freedom opens up possibilities for unconventional solutions and groundbreaking innovations.

Cross-pollination of ideas: Combining diverse perspectives gives birth to novel concepts and approaches.

Imagine combining scientific principles with artistic expression or merging business models from different industries – endless possibilities.

Thinking outside the lines: By stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing the unfamiliar,

ou tap into your latent creative potential and break free from the constraints of conventional thinking.

The Power of Perspective: Some Numbers.


Research paints a compelling picture. Studies by the University of Chicago found that teams that are diverse

in perspective outperform homogenous ones by 60%. A Harvard Business Review analysis revealed that CEOs

with broader perspectives generated 20% higher revenue. And, in a surprising twist, a Stanford study showed

that simply imagining another person’s perspective can boost your creativity by 25%.


These stats show that perspective hacking is the ultimate mental multi-tool. It unlocks doors to:

More brilliant Strategies: By considering multiple viewpoints, you anticipate blind spots

and craft strategies that adapt to the shifting landscape.

Faster Problem-Solving: Different perspectives reveal hidden connections and cracks in

the problem, leading to quicker, more effective solutions.

Untapped Creativity: Stepping into another’s shoes sparks unexpected connections,

igniting the fires of innovation and generating novel ideas.


Here Are Some Ways to Cultivate a Broader Perception 


Seek out diverse perspectives:

1. Read books and articles from different viewpoints.

2. Watch documentaries on unfamiliar cultures.

3. Engage in conversations with people from different backgrounds.

Challenge your assumptions:

Question your own biases and beliefs and actively

seek out evidence that contradicts your expectations.

Embrace curiosity:

Stay curious about the world and explore new ideas and experiences.

Travel and immerse yourself in different cultures:

Experiencing different ways

of life can expand your worldview and challenge your assumptions.



By actively cultivating a broader perception, you can become a better understander, creator, and

decision-maker, navigating the world’s complexities with greater confidence and success.

It’s now your turn. Break free from tunnel vision and boost your creativity and decision-making.

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